#55 Guitar [Kasamatsu x Reader]

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You heard the strums of a guitar from your classroom one morning when you just arrived to school. Curiosity got the best of you, and you opened the door.

Surprising you, your boyfriend was there, sitting on his desk with a guitar on his lap, "[F-First Name]! U-uh... I-I was just inspecting this guitar- it's not mine, it uh...
Was lying on the floor randomly!"

You giggled and went to your seat to put your bag down. "It's just me, Yukio-kun, no need to be nervous!"

"B-but how can I n-not?!" He asks, he was getting flustered each minute you talked to him, and it was barely a minute.

"Dee~p breaths," You told him and he blushes as you pull your chair in front of his desk. Once he's calmed down, you poke his cheek, "See? That wasn't so hard, sheesh Yukio-kun, I'm not gonna bite!"

"I-I just... Uh..." He gets tongue tied and you laugh.

"It's okay~" You tell him, smiling, "Can you play me a song?"

"I-I'm not that good," He tells you.

"Lies!" You accused, "I heard you playing for over 20 minutes and you were really good."

"20 minutes?" He deadpanned.

"Uh... Maybe I shouldn't have said that~ anyways, play me a song!" You request and he shakily puts back his guitar on his lap. Yay~"

He plays you a playful tune and you listen to it, lying your head on his desk with your head in your arms and your eyes closed.

Once he comes to a halt, you hold your head up and look at him as he places the guitar on the table next to him. "I must've made you sleepy, sorry."

"What, no! It was a wonderful tune, I'm just still really sleepy," You argued and he shyly smiles. His eyes meet yours and you two stared for a few minutes of silence.

"[First Name]," He says, taking your hand to his heart which was beating rapidly, "It's not good for you to make me feel like this early in the morning you know."

You smiled, "I don't care if it's in the morning or at sunset, I'll do my best to make you feel like this~"

He opened his mouth to say something only to be cut off by an enthusiastic voice. "Senpai!!!!" Kise came bursting through the door. He looked at your hand on Kasamatsu's chest and smiled smugly, "Oops, am I interrupting something?"

Kasamatsu irked and gently placed your hand down, "Shut up!" He kicked Kise and you facepalmed, feeling sorry for your kouhai.


Coming Soon:

☯ Miyaji x reader

☯ Akashi x tsundere -requested-

☯ Kuroko x male -requested-

☯ Akashi x male -requested-

☯ Kuroko x tsundere -requested-

- Rin { 17/11/14 } 💕

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