Write My Life

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Hi guys ☺️

I've decided to write the challenge 'Draw My Life' instead of draw it out because.........
a) my drawings are terrible
b) I can't really draw here

I hope other authors do this too 💓


So I guess I should start with my birth, which was on the year 2000. My parents were debating on what to name me and ended up coming up with Nur Jasmin Amanina which means our light and peaceful Jasmine flower.

Thus, I was born on 12 August.

So then, in 2001, my little brother, Danial, or as he likes to be called, Jason, was born but tbh, I didn't know he existed until I was 4.

So by now, my family consisted of my mother, my father, my little brother and I... But it wasn't complete yet.

When I was 2-3 years old, I went with my family to London for my mother's studies. I have faint memories of nights where I would wake up to see my mom studying until really late.

My dad wasn't with us for long there. He had to go back to Brunei for work, but fortunately, because he's a pilot, he had frequent job courses in London. My brother, however, would always stay back with my dad, while I stayed with my mom.

We lived in Cardiff, and I went to a daycare centre and then a nursery there, when my mom would go to school.

At the nursery, I made 3 friends, two boys, Terrence and Anthony, and a girl, Diana. I won't elaborate further because its a touchy subject for me.

So three years later, when I was 5/6, I came back to Brunei. It was a terrible thing for me too, mostly because I didn't know how to speak malay except for some simple phrases like "nama saya..." (My name is....) "apa khabar?" (How are you?).

So after a year of somewhat studying malay, I finally figured out how to speak malay and now I'm fluent in it. Thankfully, my malay teacher was very understanding and she taught me with patience.

So the three years of my life, in primary 1-3 (grade 1-3), I was a goody two shoes. I did not fail exams, and truthfully, I would never get below an A. I even won an award for being best in maths and english.

I was really oblivious to how annoying and how much of a braggart I was, so I didn't see how many people hated me for all that. But in fourth grade, I accidentally overheard someone talking about me and I realized all the crap people talked about behind my back.

But I ignored it because there was another 'Jaz' in my batch, and I thought they were talking about her. When I realized that the other 'Jaz' was talking shit too, I faltered.

The very next day when I found that out, I came to school with a forced smile and when my 'friends' fake smiled at me, I cried.

They didn't know why I cried so suddenly until this day, and I would like to keep it that way.

So then, I fell into a depressed state. My grades started to go down and my teachers were worried for me.

But of course, in the darkness, the brightest stars can be seen. I found three miracles that day. I found my good friends, Alice and Syafiq, and my dear older sister, Yuou.

My sister wasn't related to me by blood in any way, but I consider her family. Heck, my family considers her as family.

She was only older than me by two months yet a little more immature and playful than me, and she was really, really happy and fun to be around. She helped me get through all the crap load, even if she didn't know about any of it. I'm positive too that she and Alice didn't know about it.

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