#22 Crush [Kasamatsu x Reader] -requested-

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Requested by @Dragonmaster54321 !

I'm really sorry for the long wait! I was really trying to get Kasamatsu's personality together in my head! I hope I got him right here ;-;

Thank you for requesting! 💕


"Oh come on, [First Name]-chan!" Your best friend's sister, who was also your best friend, tried again, "At least wear the shorts??" She was trying to make you cuter for the upcoming match, with black mid-thigh length shorts. "Besides, Yukio-chan would totally-"

"Okay, okay, I'll wear the shorts, please senpai, I don't wanna hear it." You cut her off, light blush dusting your cheeks, making her giggle. She knew about your crush on the shy senpai and, like Ryouta, liked to often tease you about it.

Being the manager of Kaijou, you were brought along for games. But this time, it was an actual practice match away from Kaijou, in Touou, which was the next morning, you slept at Kise's house so that you can just tag along with him to the place since both of your parents were away. [A/N: OMFG I ALMOST WROTE 'AOBA JOSAI' HHHHHH TOO MUCH HAIKYUU!! *^*] There were bound to be other foreign guys.

"So, [First Name]cchi~" Your blonde model best friend calls as you sit in the living room where the three of you were going to be sleeping, in front of the fire place.

You and Ryuumi paid attention to the model, "Kasamatsu-senpai hmm?"

You blushed and looked away, "Shut up." Making the siblings laugh.

"Tomorrow, make sure you wear something cute-" That earned a thwack to his head from you. "I'm kidding!!"

You lied down on your sleeping bag and pulled the covers over you, in attempt to cover your tomato red face, "I'm going to sleep, good night."

"Good night [First Name]-chan/cchi~" you hear the two slyly answer.


Surely, as promised, the next morning you wore the shorts, along with the Kaijou marked plain white shirt with a blue hooded jacket over it with your [Hair Colour] hair in a high ponytail.

You brought a gym bag with you, containing towels for the team along with your water bottle and another Kaijou marked white shirt, a pair of shorts and undergarments in a mini bag.

When you came downstairs, you met with the blonde male which eyed you, looking impressed with your choice of clothing.

"Let's go?" He asks, smiling smugly.

You sweat dropped, "Let's go."


Kise's driver pulled up to Touou High and both of you came out to walk towards the gym, where the Kaijou team were already present.

While walking through the gym, the Kaijou males greeted you two, stopping when they reached you, almost gawking at you, well, at how you look. All these times at practice, you mostly wore sweatpants with the Kaijou female sport shirt.

"Hey guys," You smile as you put your bag down at your team's bench of the gym. The coach comes up to you and tells you to help get the cart of water outside of the gym. "Hai coach!"

You made your way outside to get the cart. As you held the cart, you accidentally tripped on a string, connected to the cart. Suddenly, you felt wet from top to bottom, you shrieked in response, realizing it was a prank for anyone getting the Kaijou cart of water bottles.

"Oh shit!" You heard from where the roof. "It was a girl, guys!"

You heard a stampede of males coming from the gym. "What is going on here- [Last Name]?!" You hear the coach say, startled at your drenched figure.

You looked in his direction, to realize the whole team was standing behind him, Kise being the first to react. He went back inside to get your bag of clothes.

"S-sorry, coach... It was a prank..." You tell him, noticing the blush of the boys, of one in particular, the team captain.

Kise came back with your bag and wrapped you in a towel. "Go get changed, [First Name]cchi, you're gonna make these guys drool-" Kise starts, getting kicked by Kasamatsu.

You giggled and left to change quickly.


Other than your hair still wet, you were dry now, in a fresh change of clothes, without a jacket.

You walked into the gym, hearing wolf whistles from behind you, most likely from the Touou team. "Now that's what I call a girl, unlike that Seirin coach, she has them." You hear the tanned bluenette say. You blushed as you understood where he was getting at. You hurriedly go over to the Kaijou team.

You sat down as they started their stretching. You felt several eyes on you and you looked down, not liking the attention. Feeling a jacket draped over you, you looked up, meeting the flushed black haired senpai, your crush, Kasamatsu.

"C-cover up, [Last Name]-chan." He says as he avoids your gaze.

You giggled as you put the jacket on, "Thanks, Kasamatsu-senpai."

He left as the match started, when you felt uncomfortable with some guys watching you, Kasamatsu would now and then shift his eyes to you, assuring you.


I hope you like it T-T

Coming soon:

☯ Izuki x reader

☯ Mitobe x reader

☯ Moriyama x reader

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- Rin { 09/10/14 } 💕

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