#120 Kiss [Sakurai x Reader]

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"Sakurai-kun~ You're dating someone, right?" Momoi asks said male as the Touou Basketball team were gathered around the fire.

He blushes a little before coughing, "Y-yeah..."

"Seriously? You got a girl?" Aomine asks lazily. Momoi thwacks his chest and shoots him a warning glare, "What?"

"Who is it, Sakurai-kun?!" Momoi persists.

The others look at Sakurai with anticipation and he was about to answer when you came back to the circle with a box of marshmallows, crackers and sticks.

"Sorry I'm late, everyone! I was picking these up!" You lay the crate beside the fire for them to take. The team said their greetings and you take a seat, plopping down right next to Sakurai, "So what's going on?"

"We were just about to hear about the apologetic mushroom's mystery chick." Aomine says, taking a couple of marshmallows and poking them with his stick.

"Mystery chick?" You give Sakurai an amused look and he blushes.

"She-she's not a chick! I mean, she's a girl- a woman, wait, I mean- sorry!" He splutters out, earning laughter from the circle.

"The girl doesn't really exist right," Imayoshi says, "I mean, you don't actually have a girlfriend, right?"

"Yeah, I mean, even I don't have one," Someone calls out.

"Sakurai wouldn't have the actual guts to confess, he apologizes for everything." Aomine laughs, "She probably thought it was him apologizing for liking her or something." That earned another thwack from Momoi.

"Dai-chan! Sorry, Sakurai-ku-" Momoi stops when her pink orbs widen when she sees your place.

Sakurai suddenly kisses you. "Mmn?!" You splutter out, alarmed. You were about to pull away when you noticed the others gapping at the both of you so you decided to continue on with it.

You snaked your arms around Sakurai's neck and returned the kiss, his lips moving with yours in sync. You could tell from the heat radiating from his face that he was probably as red as a firetruck at the moment.

Biting his lip gently, you manage a whimper from him- almost a moan. Deciding it was enough, you pulled away with a cheeky grin, licking your lips.

You two turned to the rest of the team, seeing their jaws practically on the floor.

"She-she's my girlfriend!" Sakurai exclaims, but pauses, as if realizing the tone of his voice, "Sorry!" He immediately muttered out.

--- Coming Up Next ---

♥︎ Himuro x Reader
♥︎ Hanamiya x Reader
♥︎ Akashi x Reader
♥︎ Kise x Reader
♥︎ Kiyoshi x Reader

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--- life hack ---

Can't hear your alarm in the morning? Put your phone into a cup and put it to maximum volume.

P.S: Rock/Metal songs are not wise suggestions to wake up to

- Yeo Rin

『 17-12-15 』

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