#105 Mute [Mitobe x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @HanneVanhelmont ! Thank you for requesting! 💓


"[Last Name]-san, can you teach me this question?" Your classmate asks and you nod, quietly dragging your chair and writing down the equation on the paper and subtle explanations on the side.

"Wah~! Thank you so much, [Last Name]-san!" She cheers as she attempts to do it herself.

You nodded and stood up, placing your chair back to its place and going for a walk since it is break time.

You walked around the corridors and sat on the bench facing the outdoors basketball court.

You watch the basketball team play and hear the sound of the basketball hitting the ground. They laughed and you smiled: they looked like they were having so much fun.

You looked down to your shoes and listen to them speak; you envied them. You were mute and longed to have a voice of your own.

You hear the bench creak beside you and you look towards that direction to see your senior, Mitobe Rinnosuke. He was slightly panting and dribbling a basketball.

He looks towards you and you instantly looked back down, tugging at the hems of your shirt.

You suddenly felt something tap your leg and you look down at it to see a basketball that had been rolled to your leg.

You glanced at Mitobe and saw him staring right at you. You pick it up and hand it to him, who had an expectant look as if waiting for your introduction.

You frowned and sighed internally. You raise your hands to do the familiar sign to indicate that you have no voice.

He blinks at you in wonder and smiled, getting up from the bench. He dusted himself off and grabbed your hand, leading you somewhere.

The walk was silent, and comfortable at that. He guided you to the basketball team, where you heard a gasp from Koganei.

"MITOBE, YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!" He rushed to the silent boy and grabbed his collar, shaking the life out of him.

Mitobe blushes and frantically shakes his head which made you smile a little at his cuteness.

That was the beginning of your silent relationship.


I hope you liked it ♥︎

Coming Soon:

☼ Midorima x reader -requested-

- Yeo Rin

--- life hack ---

Find an old unused cardboard box and cut a hole that fits perfectly for your phone, remembering to leave 2 flaps so your phone doesn't go through the box. You can now use it as your personal home theatre!

[ Finished on 11th March 2015 ]

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