#114 Illusion [Midorima x Reader]

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This will be in third person POV ^-^ This is kind of angst, btw!

—- I'm not taking any requests right now, sorry! —-

"Shin-chan," The [Hair Colour] girl calls out softly, appearing next to the said male as he was about to shoot.

"Oh, hey, [First Name]," He greets, shooting a three pointer, "A-ah, I had something to ask you..." He goes over to his girlfriend, "Do you have anyone you're going with this Saturday?"

She tilts her head questioningly, "What's on Saturday?"

"The d-dance," He replied, watching her adorable movements as realization hit her.

"Of course not, silly," She laughs gleefully, "Ahh, is Shin-chan asking me out? How cute!"

"Shut up," He defensively says, covering up his blush with a cough. "So, w-will you uh... go with me nanodayo?" He scratches the back of his neck.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," She smiles sweetly at him and he manages a smile in return. Her eyes glanced downwards to see the basketball ball at her feet. She picks it up and inspects their proximity with the hoop, with a smile towards Midorima, "So, how does this work again?"


She came in a lovely pastel pink dress with a cream corsage Midorima got for her while he went in a black tuxedo and cream tie and pink handkerchief in his pocket to match with her. They walked into the hall and the usual compliments were thrown at Midorima from the girls.

"Oh, the miracles are over there!" [First Name] beams, tapping Midorima's shoulder.

Without another word, they made their way to their circle of friends who were enjoying themselves with some punch. "Ah finally, you're here," Aomine ruffles Midorima's hair as Momoi compliments him for wearing pink.

He raises a brow and glances towards his girlfriend who was laughing at something Kuroko had said to Akashi.

At the climax of the dance, with much awkwardness and shyness, he invites [First Name] outside to dance. "But there's no music here," [First Name] chuckles.

"We can pretend," He suggests, extending his hand towards her. "May I have this dance?"

She giggles and accepts his hand, letting him pull her closer. She rests her arms on his shoulders as he puts his hands on her hips and they begin to slow dance. It was slow and calming, almost relaxing. There was no music playing but it was still enjoyable.

"Shintaro," Akashi's voice stops their dance. "May I have a word with you?"

Midorima looks towards [First Name] who smiles encouragingly and pulls away, "Sure."


"You were dancing alone," Akashi says, "I am in no need to lie."

Midorima stayed silent, trying to process the words that were coming out of his friend's mouth. "Who do you think were you with on the way here?" Akashi asks, "Who do you keep looking towards?"

As if realizing the answer to his questions, Akashi looks at him in the eyes, "[First Name]'s dead, don't you remember?" He continues, "She died in that car accident two months ago. A drunken man had hit her and she was in a critical coma for a week. She didn't survive, Shintaro."

"[First Name]..." Midorima was about to answer before the spoken girl shows up with an apologetic smile.

 "Shin-chan, we should talk," [First Name] says.

The green-head hesitated before looking over to the sad-smiling [First Name]. "I'll be right back, Akashi."

Akashi eyed his teammate warily as he walked into the darkness of the night, alone, to the middle of nowhere.


"[First Name]..." Midorima starts, holding her hand as if she'd slip away. "You're here, right?"

She looks down for a second before looking into his green orbs, tilting her head slightly with a sigh, "Sorry, Shin-chan."

"This must be some weird dream, right?" Midorima asks hopefully. "I'm going to wake up any second now."

Tears started to well up in [First Name]'s eyes as she tried to keep it together, "I'm afraid it isn't a dream, Shin-chan," Her voice gave away her tears evident at the corner of her eyes. "I guess my time is up then."

"Wh-what do you mean your time is up?!" Midorima questions anxiously.

"I was given some time here until you remembered so you weren't in a state of shock," She tells him as a tear rolls down her cheek, "Now that you remember, or at least, you know about it, I suppose it's my time to leave."

"What?!" This was simply too much to take in, especially when he is finding out that his girlfriend has been dead for two months. "So... You're really leaving?"

"I'm afraid so, Shin-chan." She laughs painfully as the tears pour from her eyes. "I'm sorry." She pulls him into a hug as she feels herself start to fade.

"She died in that car accident two months ago. A drunken man had hit her and she was in a critical coma for a week. She didn't survive, Shintaro."

He hugged her tightly like his life depended on it, "I love you, Shin-chan." Her soft voice calls says and as he was about to respond, just like that, she was gone.

With the thought of her last appearance with her pink dress and bright smile, tears escaped his eyes while her scent lingers around him.I love you, too, [First Name].


Coming up next:

☼Kise x Reader

—- life hack —-

Spilled some water onto that really important essay you need to hand in in the next period? Press the affected area with your fingers onto a hard surface for two minutes, careful not to tear it!

- Yeo Rin

[ Finished on 24th May 2015 ]

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