#97 Useless [Kiyoshi x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @zuzuezgi99 !

Thank you for requesting! 💓

Requests are closed ^.^ Sorry if you wanted to request :c I'm just worried I might not complete your request in time :(


You went on Skype with him one day and he was sniffing and coughing so frequently.

"Are you okay, Teppei?" You ask, concerned for him.

"I'm alright, [First Name]-chan," He assures you, "I just got the common cold, that's all."

"Have you eaten your medicine?" You ask and he nods, showing you his plastic of medicine.

"Have you drank a warm drink?" You ask and he shows you his mug of hot chocolate.

"Have you-" He cuts you off with his musical laugh.

"Calm down, [First Name]-chan." He says and you pout, "I'm fine, really." He smiles.

"I'm just worried," You sigh, "Sorry."

"No, no, it's alright~" He says and he sniffs.

"You should rest, you know." You tell him, "That usually helps colds."

"Mmm... Alright then, I'll talk to you later." He says, "Love you."

"Love you too," You smile and hang up. You felt bad that he was sick and you weren't there helping him.

You sigh, looking at your phone. "What can I do?" You think for a while and snap your fingers. "I know!"


The next morning, you awoke to your phone buzzing. You groggily opened your eyes and looked at your phone, seeing it was a few messages from Teppei.

From: Teppei ♥︎
> Thank you for the videos ^.^
> They cheered me up :D
> They were really funny :3
> Good morning [First Name]-chan!

You smiled and decided to Skype call him, to which he instantly answered. "Hey dork," You greet and he laughs. "How are you feeling?"

"A whole lot better," He grins. "Why'd you send me those videos?"

"I felt useless here able to do nothing to help, I thought maybe those videos would keep you company and happy while you're recovering," You explain and he laughs.

"You were a big help, [First Name]-chan." He smiles at you, "You weren't and aren't useless at all."


I hope you liked it 🌸

Coming Soon:

☯ Male Momoi x reader -requested-

☯ Akashi x reader -requested-

☯ Hanamiya x reader -requested-

☯ Miyaji x reader -requested-

☯ Takao x reader -requested-

{{ 2 days left }}

- Rin { 03/01/15 } 🎈

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