#17 You Satisfy Me [Akashi x Reader]

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Oh and new cover, yay!! 💕 Kuroko's so kawaii <3


"I expected more from you," You hear your father say as he looks at your straight A grades. Your grades were perfect and you were on top of your class, but your childhood friend slash rival, the only son of the Akashi family, beat you in the student rankings, for the whole of first years.

You were number 2 while Seijuro got number 1 with a difference of one A+. You've gotten 9A+s and 1A but he got all 10A+s making you more frustrated than you already are.

You two had always been competing, under both your parents' wishes. You usually beat him in studies because this was your forte, unlike sports, you were better than him at studies. But for the first time... The tables had turned.

The said person passes by, his face emotionless and professional-like. He was the heir to the company but still- he didn't have to be so perfect.

"Ah Seijuro-kun," your father perks up, "Congratulations on getting number one, you've surpassed [First Name]." He favored Akashi, you swore that he would've liked Akashi to be his child rather than you.

His heterochromatic eyes shift momentarily to your dejected [Eye Colour] orbs, "Thank you, [Last Name]-san, but it is no achievement, [First Name] and I were only one mark apart." He says politely, careful not to say anything to make feel hurt.

You and him were actually like any other childhood friends. You helped each other out and everything, both of you weren't actually competitive, on each other's necks all the time. You only felt dejected of how your father chose Akashi over you all the time.

"How modest of you, Seijuro." Your father smiles, "Well, I should be going."

"Have a safe trip, [Last Name]-san/Father." You and Akashi say in sync, before he left.

You shut your eyes and bit your lip after you see your father's retreating form. Opening your eyes, you realize he's out of your line of sight.

"[First Name]," You hear Akashi say, "Don't look so sad, he's always like this."

"I know," You say, your surrendering voice giving out.

You feel Akashi's hands grab your shoulder and spinning you to face him. To which you kept your gaze down. "[First Name], look at me." You did as you were told.

His heterochromatic eyes didn't have the usual stern look, instead, he had a soft look as his eyes burn a holes into your eyes. You were on the verge of giving up, you didn't know how to please your father at all, so you held a pained and tired look in your eyes.

He embraced your slightly shorter figure, [A/N: Please imagine that you are short if you're tall.] "I'm sorry, [First Name]."

You blinked as your arms wrap around his body. "What are you saying," You let out a chuckle, "Why are you apologizing?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help you with this..." He pulled back, still holding your shoulders, "But I can help you get better."

You laugh at his attempts to cheer you up, "Thank you, but..." You smiled as you look up at the sky, "I don't... I just... I give up, anything I do won't satisfy him."

He stared at you, "You satisfy me."

You looked up at him, "What?" You question, even though you heard it.

He smiles at you and you smiled back, pulling him into a hug, muttering a thank you.


I was trying to show Akashi's caring side.... But as usual, I fail at indicating and hinting things, sorry ;n;

Sorry for this um... Disastrous one shot 😅

Coming soon:

☯ Murasakibara x reader

☯ Sakurai x reader

☯ Himuro x reader -requested-

☯ Kuroko x reader -requested-

☯ Kasamatsu x reader -requested-

- Rin { 29/09/14 } 💕

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