#18 Care [Murasakibara x Reader]

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Okay you probably thought "what the what is she talking about?" No? Well okay then...

Let me explain anyways. MY WATTPAD CRASHED AND UGH I COULDN'T ACCESS MY BOOKS OR MY LIBRARY OR MY PROFILE OR MY FEED, BASICALLY EVERYTHING. Sigh. I jinxed it, this morning I was telling my friend how my Wattpad app didn't crash like how the other apps did in the iOS 8 update. BUT NOOOOO IT JUST HAD TO MAKE ME-- I'm sorry, moving on... ;-;


You had a crush on Teiko's basketball team titan ace. Of course, everyone kinda knew about it somehow, but he seemed oblivious to it, or maybe he just didn't care, as usual.

The team was playing against [Random School Name], and you being assistant manager, were being a good girl and getting them refreshments, you know... Before you got mobbed by some guys. It didn't help that you only wore Volleyball shorts and Teiko's plain white shirt with a purple hoodie over it.

"Hey there," You turned to see four muscular males, you were frightened but kept your composure.

"May I help you?" You ask.

"No, can I help you? You look so fine." the guy says, grabbing hold of your wrist.

"H-hey! Let me go!" You squirmed against his firm grip.

"Oh come on, we just want some fun-" the guy beside him says, to be cut off by a certain purple haired titan.

"What are you doing to [Last Name]-chin?" His monotone voice asks as his shadow looms over the four.

They paled, "U-uh, n-nothing, sorry!" They scrammed afterwards.

You sighed in relief, "Thank you, Mura-kun."

He yawned, "No problem, [Last Name]-chin," Patting your head.

Your cheeks were stained with pink at the action so you squirmed away, at your squirm, he shrugged it off as if he didn't care for such a trivial matter. You shrugged it off too, you didn't want it to let it get to you.

"T-then..." You began to walk away to the coach's car to get the box of water bottles.

"Ne, [Last Name]-chin," You hear him call so you turned around, "Do you need any help?"

You smiled a minuscule smile, "I could use some..." So you went side by side to the coach's car.

Unlocking the car, you opened the boot, seeing two boxes and took out a box of water bottles, Murasakibara taking the other one and one from you right after.

You looked at him confused, "That's okay Mura-kun, I can carry it, you need to rest your muscles too for the match."

He just chuckled and started walking as you sweat dropped and locked the car after closing the boot.

You walked behind him and watched as he carried the boxes for you. You smiled at his back, "I didn't think you cared..." You murmured, it was almost inaudible but somehow...

Murasakibara stopped and turned to look at you. Your eyes met and you blinked as he let out a chuckle, he walked up to you and placed his hand on your head. "I always did, [Last Name]-chin." With that, he flashed you a smile and walked away, leaving you dumbfounded.

You couldn't help but smile to yourself, "Wait up, Mura-kun!" You jogged up to him.


Coming soon:

☯ Sakurai x reader

☯ Himuro x reader -requested-

☯ Kuroko x reader -requested-

☯ Kasamatsu x reader -requested-

☯ Izuki x reader

- Rin { 29/09/14 } 💕

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