#118 Decoy [Nijimura x Reader] requested...

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...by @Sly_Red ! Hope you like it! ♥︎

"Oh come on, [First Name]-chan," Momoi urges in a teasing voice, "You have to confess before he leaves for high school or you'll possibly never see him again!"

"But..." You look over at where Nijimura was and he notices, waving slightly. You quickly look away, "I-it's alright, Satsu-chan... I don't think it really matters..."

"But you've liked him since you got into Teiko!" Momoi shrieks and you quickly shut her mouth.

"You're being too loud," You tell her. "I just- I don't see how we'd work out..."

Momoi suddenly had an evil smile sprawled on her face, "So you wouldn't mind it if he found some other girl?"

You chance another glance at the said boy and then down to the ground, "No... I-I guess not." Sighing, you look back at the innocently smiling pinkette, "Just let it go, Satsu-chan..."


Walking out of the gym, you catch Nijimura also leaving. "Sh-Shuzo-senpai, are you going to the library?"

His eyes slightly flickered to behind you and he mustered up an apologetic look, "Ah, not today, I uh... Have a date."

"Oh... I-is that so," You clasp your hands together, forcing out a smile.

His hand goes up to rub the back of his neck, "Yeah..." He stops when he sees the look on your face, "Don't look so sad," He pats your head, "We'll go some other time, yeah?"

Of course, your cheeks betray you, surfacing a rosy colour, "Y-yeah... Have fun then." You say before you run in the direction of the library.


Entering the gym, you instantly notice the strong smell of roses and very animated bickering. "What's going on in here?"

You open the door and the light blinds you for a few seconds [COUGH HOST CLUB COUGH] and the sight before you made your heart flutter: Nijimura holding a bouquet of roses.

Not wanting to give away your palpitating heart, you cocked an eyebrow.

"Ah, [First Name]-chan! Look, Nijimura-senpai got flowers for his girlfriend!" Momoi says, enthusiastically bouncing on her heels.


"W-well, that's sweet of him," You mutter out and head to the direction of the lockers.

"Eh? Is [First Name]-chan jealous?!" Momoi exclaims loudly, making the whole gym stop whatever they're doing to peer over at their manager and assistant manager.

You turn to look back at Momoi and then turn back to the direction of the lockers, "Th-that's ridiculous." You start dashing away, leaving the pinkette standing there.


"Wh-what?" Startled by Kise's request.

"Just as I said, coach asked [Last Name]cchi to give this to Nijimuracchi and ask him about next play's startegy!" He pushes the brown package towards you again.

"Why can't anyone else do it?" You asked, unsurely.

"Coach asked [First Name]cchi specifically and besides, the assistant manager is the one that records the strategy!" Kise argues.

You gently take the package from him and notice it's very light, as if nothing was inside. Weird.

"Where is he anyway?" You ask the blond.

Kise beams at your actions, "Nijimuracchi's in your and Momocchi's office!"

Sighing, you reluctantly agree. Taking your clipboard and pen, you walk in the direction of the office.

You wonder why the package was so light. It's as if nothing other than the styrofoam was inside. Maybe he asked for a whole box of styrofoam.

Once outside, you hold your fist up to knock when you heard Nijimura talking. "I miss you too."

Instead of giving away your presence behind the door, you listen in. "Nah, that's alright... Okay, see you then. I love you too."

Feeling your heart in between breaking and jumping out of your chest, you decide to open the door.

Nijimura had his phone to his ear, looking right at you. "Oh, uh, I'll call you later. Okay, bye."

"Sorry, senpai." Blinking at him, you hold out the package. "Coach said it was for you and he's asking for strategy play... But if you're busy I'll ask you later."

"No, actually I-"

"Yeah, you're busy, I get it, I'll just go." You hurriedly say, moving closer to him to place the package on the table next to him, deciding not to throw it despite it's weight.

Bowing slightly, you run out.


As you lock the gym door behind you, you notice a shadow loom over you.

Turning around, you see Nijimura there with his hands in his pockets. "I'll walk you home."

"S-sure..." You say, placing the key in your pocket.

It was an uncomfortable silence between you two. You did not say anything in fear of bringing up something and knowing something you did not want to know about.

Reaching your apartment, you unlock the gate and turn to him, "Thank-"

Surprise took over your features as he hugs you. "Wh-what?"

"I suck at expressing my feelings." He tells you, "I was trying to confess to you all day, [First Name]."

"B-but... You have a g-girlfriend. And you said you had a date..." You accuse.

"The date thing, Momoi suggested I did that to see how you'd react to see if you like me, too," He admits, "But I don't have a girlfriend, who told you that?"

"Satsu-chan..." You mumble into his chest.

He laughs, "Ah, they did take it too far." He kisses the top of your head, "I really don't have a girlfriend, [First Name]." He pulls away to look at you. With a smile on his face, "So will you be mine?"

--- Coming Up Next ---

♥︎ Midorima x Reader [requested]
♥︎ Sakurai x Reader [requested]
♥︎ Himuro x Reader [requested]
♥︎ Hanamiya x Reader [requested]
♥︎ Akashi x Reader [requested]

✿ Requests ✿

--- life hack ---

Give a gift in a balloon, providing a sharp thing to pop the balloon!

- Yeo Rin

『 16-11-15 』

Kuroko No Basket One Shots [ KnB x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now