#122 Long Wait [Hanamiya x Reader]

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The steady beeping of the monitor kept you awake. It was not like you were not used to it, however. You just felt serenity in the constant steady pace. You feel your heart clench briefly before everything goes back to normal. What was that?

It was a little bit after noon and a young man with shaggy [Hair Colour] hair and a young woman with long black hair came to visit you.

"How are you doing, mom?" Your son asks you, taking a seat on the right side of the bed, kissing your forehead.

"I'm doing much, much better, [Son's Name]," You tell him with a smile, wrinkles gathering at the corners of your eyes. He looked so much like his father but with your hair, oh how you missed Makoto.

Your daughter sits on your left, taking your hand, without the needle, in hers, "That's good to hear, mom." She exchanges your smile with one of her own. Your daughter, too, looked like Makoto, only as a female version of him.

Makoto, you thought, you still haunt me through their lovely faces. I miss you so much.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Your son asks.

"I can't sleep, dear," You tell him, "But it's alright," You let out a cough, "I have an appointment in an hour, anyways."

"Alright then, is there anything we can do for you, mom?" Your daughter asks.

"Can't my favourite twins just keep me company?" You ask with a playful smile and they mirrored each others smile in response.


"Hikari-sensei," You call out to the doctor doing your usual check up, "What does death feel like?"

Hikari stops to look at you, eyes searching yours for a moment, "I'm not sure how to answer you, Hanamiya-san," She stuffs her hands into the pockets of her coat, "But I heard you see flashes of your life."

She goes to her desk to take her tools, "Why? Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes," You tell her, "I've just been thinking about Makoto a lot recently and what he might have felt when he passed."

"I see, Hanamiya-san," She says, starting to check your health, "I'm sure he's smiling down on you as of now." She smiles at you and you smile back.

You feel your heart clench briefly again but say nothing as she continues with your check up.

Are you smiling down on me, Makoto?


You were finally able to peacefully sleep, but of course, that did not last long. Your sleep was interrupted when you jolted awake, gasping for air.

Your wrinkly hands reached for the red button on the table beside your bed as you wheezed and continuously coughed harshly. It was excruciating, the pain.

Finally reaching for the button, you pressed it repeatedly, gasping for air. It felt as if you were underwater, and was being stabbed again and again. Your hand laid on top of your chest, you felt your heart beating so fast, like it was about to burst.

After a moment, doctors and nurses came rushing into the room. You could barely make out their faces or the words they were saying. They put an oxygen mask around you and you inhaled, but the pain was still there.

You felt a pinch at your arm as they injected something to help but it did absolutely nothing. You closed your eyes as the bustling of the nurses and doctors surrounding you disappeared.

An image of a [Hair Colour] girl and black-haired boy in middle school uniforms smiling formed behind your eyelids.
"Hanamiya Makoto."

The scene changed to one where the girl and the boy were holding hands at the park. The girl was laughing at something the boy said, and before she knew it, he had planted a kiss on her lips. Afterwards, she was as red as a fire truck.

The scene changed again to one where the boy was kneeling in front of her, one of his hands grasping hers and the other holding a velvet box with a ring inside it.

Again, it changed to where the girl and boy stood at the alter, in front of a priest, exchanging their vows, but then all of that disappeared into a scene where the girl held two children's hands at the cemetery with a bouquet of flowers laying in front of a stone that said Hanamiya Makoto.

You felt tears fall down your face as you watched the scenes unfold, and then everything became pitch black after a long beep.


You slowly blinked your eyes awake, the white light blinding you for a split second. Getting up from your place on the floor, you instantly feel a cold breeze.

Where am I? You look around, seeing absolutely nobody around.

You see a gate and decide to walk through it. A man stands before you with his hand in his pocket, his back toward you. Noticing your presence, he turns around.

You felt tears prick at the corner of your eyes as they met with a pair of familiar orbs. "M-Makoto?" My voice cracks.

With an amused smirk adorning his features, he outstretched his arms. You ran into his embrace without a second thought, him chuckling at your urgency. "Took you long enough."

"I missed you so much," You tell him, after hearing to his voice for the first time in a very long time.

His arms wrapped themselves tighter around you and you feel him place a kiss on your hair, "I missed you, too, [First Name]."

--- Coming Up Next ---

♥︎ Akashi x Reader
♥︎ Kise x Reader
♥︎ Kiyoshi x Reader
♥︎ Murasakibara x Reader
♥︎ Kuroko x Reader

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--- life hack ---

If you have a runny nose, press the roof of your mouth with your tongue and press the area between your eyes for 20 seconds.

- Yeo Rin

『 28-12-15 』

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