#79 Bento [Murasakibara x Yandere] -requested-

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Dedicated to @AngelMemory !

Thank you for requesting! 💘


It was early morning and you were making bento for yourself and your boyfriend. You packed it neatly and wrapped it in a purple cloth.

You stretched as you finished up and set it on the counter, "He better like this," You say to yourself with a grin.

You went to your room and got ready for school, tucking in the bentos in a little bag careful not to drop it.


You came into class with a smile on your face, "Good morning!" You called out to everyone and they greeted you with a smile.

You took your regular seat next to Murasakibara. "Sushi-chin~!"

"Oh, [First Name]-chin," He looks to you and yawns, "Good morning..."

At the corner of your eyes, you spot a girl looking at the Murasakibara with a nervous look. Your eyes shift to hers and she looks down.

Your teacher came in a little afterwards and you couldn't help but glare at the back of the girl's head for staring at your boyfriend.


Ring! The bell rings and you pack your things and look to Murasakibara to see him asleep, "Muro-kun, can you wake him please? I need to go to the bathroom," You ask Himuro.

"Himuro nods and proceeded to wake his purple haired best friend.

You walked towards the bathroom and did your business, and quickly exiting the bathroom right after that.

You were mortified with the sight of the girl from before offering bento to your boyfriend and decided to pummel her, but of course, you forced on a smile and approached them.

"Sushi-chin~" You call, completely ignoring the existing the girl who was trying to talk to Murasakibara.

"H-hey, wait!" The girl says, holding your shoulder.

You irked and looked at her with a forced grin, "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there."

"I w-was just giving Murasakibara-san the bento I made for him-" She says and you cut her off, with a glare.

"Who do you think you are, giving someone else's boyfriend- What, hey!" You pout as you were about to pummel her to pieces, instead being lifted off the ground by the back of your collar by your boyfriend.

"Hai, hai, let's go, [First Name]-chin," Murasakibara lazily says, holding you up and bringing you to your regular spot with Himuro on the rooftop.

"But I-" You start and he stops you.

He whispers in your ear. "You should know by now that I don't notice unworthy peasents."

"Fine," You pout and he put you down, holding your hand instead.


I hope you liked it ;^;

Coming Soon:

☯ Izuki x reader -requested-

☯ Hanamiya x reader -requested-

☯ Sakurai x reader -requested-

☯ Kise x reader -requested-

☯ Himuro x reader -requested-

{{ 12 days to go }}

- Rin { 24/12/14 } ⛄️

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