#113 A date [Akashi x Reader]

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— I'm not taking any requests right now, sorry! —

You and your best friend, Akashi Seijuro, were walking the streets of Korea in your stay there. He amusedly smiled at your antics as you skipped through the hop-scotch game on the pavement.

You went to him and walked beside him, smoothing out your skirt. "Where shall we go?" He asks you.

"I've never really been here, so guide the way, Sei!" You answer and he does not reply, rather tell his helper something regarding his transport.

"Shall we grab a bite first, then?" He asks, glancing at you.

"Lunch would be lovely."

Waiting for your orders, you two discuss the attractions in Korea and where to go next. Deciding on a skyscraper nearby, your orders came.

It wasn't like you weren't at all scared of Akashi, well, you weren't, actually, and how could you be when you have known him all your life and with the fact that you had feelings for him? Other than his menacing aura and his eye colour, nothing else had changed; he was still the same Akashi Seijuro. He treated you the same, with the same gentleness and kindness you were used to, so what were you to fear?

"You're very pretty today," Akashi compliments and you smile.

"You're not so bad yourself," You answer and he chuckles.

"I'm still intrigued on how you can be so nonchalant in front of me. Even Daiki shivers now and before that happened, he used to annoy the life out of me without a care." He says, taking a sip of his drink.

You shrug, "You're pretty normal to me."

He smiles and says nothing, finishing off his food.

Making your way inside the skyscraper, you 'ooh' and 'ahh' over everything you found fascinating, amusing your companion who have probably seen it all a couple times already. He leads you to the top to the roof where you stood before a breathtaking view of Seoul.

You gasp, leaning on the glass as you held onto the railings tightly, scared to fall from the high place. You felt arms snake around your waist from behind and you giggle, feeling Akashi's breath fanning your neck.

"Careful, you'll fall," He says into your ear. "If you do fall, let's just hope it's hopelessly in love with me."

You let out a laugh at your best friend's cheesy remark and turn to face him, "How are you so sure I've not fallen yet?"

"Who told you I was sure?" He asks.

"Eh, you don't know that I've fallen, admit it!" You accuse and he cracks a smile.

"You do realize you've just admitted it, right?" He asks you and with realization slapping you in the face, you blush in embarrassment.

"I was- I was just- oh, goodness I can't think," You laughed nervously.

"I know all," He says, his forehead on yours, "And have you forgotten that I'm absolute?"

That makes you laugh, forgetting about your embarrassment a few seconds ago. You lock your arms around his neck, "Alright, alright, you've caught me, almighty emperor."

"Good," He connects your lips momentarily, "I wasn't expecting an empress in denial."

"So, this was a date?" You ask jokingly, and he chuckles in response.

Coming up next:

☼ Midorima x Reader

— quote —

"Any fool can know, the point is to understand." - Anonymous

- Yeo Rin

[ Finished on 24th May 2015 ]

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