#123 Stay [Akashi x Reader]

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You are currently sleeping over at your childhood best friend's house for christmas eve. You annually had these sleepovers and usually, his father would be around but due to an emergency business trip, you two were alone.

You laid in his bed next to him while you watched a movie. You two were quite close, and you liked him more than just your childhood friend but of course, the Akashi Seijuro would already naturally have a girlfriend, right?

You laughed as the movie went on and leaned against the pillow. His hand brushes against yours and you shrug it off, continuing to watch the movie with an amused smile.

Once the movie came to an ending, you looked to your left to see Akashi's face right in front of yours. Blushing scarlet, you notice he had fallen asleep. His lips were slightly parted and he looked very relaxed.

You reach out to brush his hair out of his face and realize his hand was on top of yours. You moved your other hand and successfully brushed the strands away without him moving.

Deciding to stop creepily watch him sleep, [I WOULDNT HUEHUEHUEHUHEUHUE- //Slapped] you carefully wiggled off the bed. You close his tv and player and walked back to his bed, to pull the blanket higher onto his shoulders and was about to turn to leave but a hand stopped you.

"Where are you going?" He asks, a hint of drowsiness prominent in his deeper-than-usual voice.

"To the guest room, of course?" Your answer came out more of a question and he looked at you.

"Stay with me," He commands and you blink at his request.

"...Okay," You comply as his hand lets go of your wrist.

You slip into the covers beside him, leaving a safe distance between you two before he chuckled. Suddenly you felt two strong arms around you, pulling you closer to him. "S-sei, I think we're a little too-"

"We aren't," He tells you before firmly draps his arm around your waist. You hid your blushing face in his chest and his chest rumbles as he chuckles deeply.

He places a kiss atop your temple and exhaled, "Good night, [First Name]."

--- Coming Up Next ---

♥︎ Kise x Reader
♥︎ Kiyoshi x Reader
♥︎ Murasakibara x Reader
♥︎ Kuroko x Reader
♥︎ Akashi x Reader

✿ Requests are closed ✿

--- tips ---

What tea should you drink?

♡ Chamomile Tea
- when you're stressed
- before you sleep
- when you're angry

♡ Green Tea
- when you feel bloated
- when you feel sick
- when you're tired

♡ Chai Tea
- when you need an energy boost
- when you have a stomach ache

♡ Peppermint Tea
- when you have a headache
- when you are sore

♡ Oolong Tea
- when you want to burn fat
- when you're stressed

- Yeo Rin

『 28-12-15 』

Kuroko No Basket One Shots [ KnB x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now