#2 Day In [Aomine x Reader]

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You opened your eyes to see your sleeping tanned boyfriend next to you. You giggled and poked his cheek.

He groans, "5 more minutes..." He shifts away slightly.

You laugh and continue your attempts to wake him up, "Wake up, Daiki." You coo in his ear. He hummed in response, snuggling closer.

You pushed his stray dark blue hair away from his face and softly blew on his ear, "Dai-chan~"

He smiled with his eyes closed and pulled you closer, "Let me sleep, [First Name]."

You moulded into him, your fingers tracing his chest, "Please Daiki?" You ask, kissing his chest, then his neck, then his cheek to the corner of his lip.

"Why'd you stop?" He pouted, now fully awake.

"Oh good, you're awake," you laughed, sitting up. Only to be yanked back down, Aomine hovering above you with his hands on either side of your head. You giggled.

He planted a kiss on your lips before crashing back down on the bed, cuddling with you. "Daiki, let's be productive for once!" You giggle, wiggling out of his grasp.

"Oh come on, [First Name], let's stay in bed!" He pleaded, his strong arms not letting you go.

"But what can we do here anyway?" You laughed.

He hugged you tighter, kissing your cheek, "Anything you want."

"Oh fine, but we're definitely gonna do something productive later!" You say confidently, earning a chuckle from him.


You -somehow- got Aomine off the bed, showered and in fresh clothes. "Told you I'd make us do something productive!" You teased, as you cooked breakfast, you felt a pair of strong arms snake around your waist. You smiled as he placed a kiss on the top of your head and hug you from behind.

Setting breakfast on the table, you both ate is silence, savoring the tasty breakfast you made. Afterwards, you decided to watch a movie.

"Oi [First Name]," Aomine calls, "What do you want to watch?"

"Mmm... You pick." You decide, arranging the couch to make it more comfortable. So he chose a movie and played it, taking a seat next to you, cuddling with you. "What movie did you pick?"

"Just watch it~" he smirks. You gave him a questioning look while he puts an arm around your shoulders.

It turned out to be a horror movie as you kept screaming and hiding your face into Aomine's chest. 'This was probably his punishment for waking him up early' you thought. At the end of the movie, he fell asleep -as usual- and he trapped you while you two laid down on the couch.

You shifted slightly to reach for the remote to close the tv as you heard a grunt from Aomine.

"Don't leave me... [First Name] don't..." His forehead creased as he murmured this in his sleep.

You chuckled as you successfully close the tv and turned back to Aomine who looked like he was still having a bad dream.

You smiled, kissing his lips softly and whispered in his ear, "I'm not leaving you, Daiki," and the crease on his forehead disappeared, his face going back to the calm sleeping state. You snuggled into him, falling asleep too.


Coming up:

☯ Kise x reader

☯ Takao x reader

☯ Midorima x reader

☯ Akashi x reader

☯ Murasakibara x reader

- Rin { 26/8/14 } 💕

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