#111 Perfect [Imayoshi x Reader]

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Dedicated to @B-ball4ever ! Thank you for requesting! Go check out her book too, she's a great author c: 🍃



He entangled his fingers with yours, caressing the back of it with his thumb, placing a soft kiss on the back of it, "Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me."

You chuckled at his song reference and he grins, "I'm being serious, [First Name]."

"Do they really fit that well?" You ask, your eyes trailing from your hands to his eyes.

"Like a perfect set of puzzle pieces," He grins. You smile and lean into him, enjoying the morning chirps of the birds.

"You're perfect for me," He continues, "I can't imagine myself being with someone else."

You roll your eyes playfully, kissing his chest and he gives off a content sigh, "How did I get this lucky?"

"I think I'm the one who's lucky," You laugh, looking up to face him. He smiles at you and leans down to peck you.


You and Imayoshi walked around the shopping centre hand-in-hand. You looked at clothes and often modeled for him but after the second time, when his phone beeped, he stopped being attentive.

He started texting and smiling at his phone and when you asked him questions like 'how bout this one' or 'where should we go next', he'd answer you with something barely coherent.

It almost annoyed you but you remained nonchalant, he was probably bored and texting one of the guys.

You shrugged it off as you dragged him to the food court, eating with him in silence.


It been a week since Imayoshi's irritating behaviour, he stopped doing stuff with you and was constantly out until late. It was beyond worrying, but he was practicing for his basketball game and it wasn't high school anymore, you could trust him.

You sigh as you walk home from your day at college early and fiddled with the key to unlock your shared flat with Imayoshi. "I'm home," You call out, hearing no response back, other than of a thud and a curse.

Curiously, you walked up the stairs cautiously, "Babe, is everything alright?" You call out.

Hurried and hushed whispers were heard and you felt a bad pang inside, he couldn't be, right?

You hesitantly opened the door to your shared bedroom and almost died when you saw a girl in sheets next to the love of your life.

"[First Name], I can explain," Imayoshi says, his tousled hair dripped with sweat.


"It's a misunderstanding-"

"It is not a misunderstanding," You snapped, "If I'm not enough, then, so be it."

"Wait, [First Name], it's not-" He says, reaching out to hold you.

"Don't touch me!" You demand, sternly, "We're over, Souichi."

"W-wait!" But you didn't. You slammed his front door, where the girl you caught him with left through. It was done. It was over.

You felt tears threatening to fall as you kept walking to God knows where. 'I can't imagine myself being with someone else.' my ass.


I hope you like it! ✨

-- I'm currently not taking any requests --

Coming up next:

☼ Takao x reader -requested-

-- life hack --

You're in school and you're already low on battery? Put your phone to airplane mode and plug into the charger.

Reason - it charges 2x faster in airplane mode.

- Yeo Rin

[ Finished on 23rd May 2015 ]

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