#61 Indecisive [Akashi x Reader] -requested-

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Honestly, I really forgot who requested this, I forgot to jot it down :( so if you requested an Akashi one shot and I haven't written you one, please, please, please tell me, I'm so forgetful T^T


You were getting a present for Momoi and her husband who just had a baby girl. You basically dragged your boyfriend, Akashi Seijuro, to help you find a gift.

"Which one should I get, Sei?" You ask your boyfriend.

"I've answered you three times, [First Name]," He sighs and you pout.

"'Whichever's good' isn't answering!" You argue and he walks to you, sitting beside you on the shop's couch.

"This one," He points at a pink onesie. "I'm sure Satsuki would like it."

"Okay~" You sing, paying for the item and walking out of the store, Akashi hot on your trail.

"Wanna get ice cream?" You suggest.

He shrugs, "Why not."

"Yay!" You cheer, walking beside Akashi to the ice cream parlor nearby.

"What do you want?" He asks, while striding to the parlor where children and couples were lining up.

"[Fav Flavor] would be good," You say, "Or [Another Fav Flavor]," You continue and he glances at you.

"Which one?" He inquires.

"Mmm... [Fav Flavor] or [Another Fav Flavor]." You repeated and he sighs.

"I'll just get you [Fav Flavor]." He says and you smile.

"Okay!" You say, skipping to the seats, finding you and Akashi a spot.

Akashi comes to your bench and hands you your cone and you take it with a 'thank you'.

You two finished your ice cream and decided to go walk about.

"Where do you want to go?" Akashi asks.

"The park sounds nice," You say, "Oh, the amusement park sounds great too-"

You say before Akashi pulls you for a kiss, once he pulls away you blush, "Wh-what was..."

He chuckles, "Stop being so indecisive, [First Name]."


Coming Soon:

☯ Kuroko x reader -requested-

☯ Hanamiya x yandere -requested-

☯ Midorima x reader

☯ Kise x reader

☯ Kasamatsu x reader

{{ 41 days to go }}

- Rin { 27/11/14 } 💓

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