#21 Wristband [Kuroko x Reader] -requested-

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Requested by @Haruki_Kuroko ! Your comment was very cute, it made me want to go and hug youuu [I'm sorry for the very random statement .-.]

Thank you for requesting! 💕


You were sitting in the gym with your boyfriend's head on your shoulder. It was their break from practice and all he wanted to do was to sit in a comfortable silence with your fingers entwined.

You began playing with Kuroko's fingers as he let you, watching your hands with a soft smile.

You played with his black wristband, you had an identical one but yours had [Initials] sewed into the inner part and Kuroko's had 'TK' on the inner bit.

You tugged on his wristband as he chuckled, taking it off for you. You smiled and put the wristband on your right wrist, considering your left wrist was occupied with your matching wristband.

He kisses your head after chuckling at your cute antic. He began to twirl a piece of your hair in his fingers, as you concentrated on playing with the wristband.

"Break's over!" Riko called. "Oh hello, [Last Name]-chan." She greeted with a warm smile as her eyes shifted to Kuroko's orbs.

"Hello Aida-senpai." You smile at her.

Your boyfriend nods as he stands up, "See you later [First Name]-chan."

You smile at him as he walks away. You touch your left wrist and realized his wristband was still with you. "Tetsu-kun, you forgot your wristband!"

You hurried over to him as he and Riko stops, taking the wristband off your wrist and handing it to him. "Thank you."

"Sure, see you later!" With that you walked to the library and waited for Kuroko.


You read your romance novel, not wanting to be disturbed. You squealed silently as you read the romantic scene of the book, your hand clamping your mouth shut, afraid you'd disrupt the library.

Your cheeks dusted with a light blush, sighing dreamily at the scene, until you smelt your boyfriend's usual vanilla scent.

Your eyes ran over your surroundings, noticing that your wristband was on your right wrist. You looked at the wristband oddly; it was supposed to be on the left.

Shutting the novel, you took the wristband off, checking the sewed in initials to find 'TK'.

You sweat dropped, you gave your wristband to Kuroko, and accidentally kept his.

You stifle a giggle as you thought of how silly this was and checked your wristwatch; 4:55PM.

Kuroko's club session ends in 5 minutes.

You stood up silently, making sure you left your spot neatly.


Going to the gym, you played with the wristband in hand and noticing that the bluenette was in fact trying to creep upon the tall redhead.

He made a comment to Kagami making him jump in surprise. "What the hell, Kuroko?" Kagami asks, clutching his chest.

You laugh, catching their attention. You smile at him as he says goodbye to Kagami and makes his way over to you and takes your hand, proceeding to walk you home.


On the way home, you brought up the topic about your wristbands making him chuckle.

"You can keep mine, I like yours." He says, "It has your scent as if when I'm playing, you're always there with me."

With that, a small blush sprawled across your cheeks as he smiles a minuscule smile.


I hope you liked it (u w u ❀) ;-; 🌸

Coming soon:

☯ Kasamatsu x reader -requested-

☯ Izuki x reader

☯ Mitobe x reader

☯ << O P E N >>

☯ << O P E N >>

- Rin { 07/10/14 } 💕

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