#57 Pool [Akashi x Tsundere] -requested-

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Dedicated to @IWantALongUsername ! I had so many ideas for this but I kept saying "Nah... Akashi wouldn't do that" 😅

Thank you for requesting! 💕


You were basically forced into a two piece swimming suit by Momoi and you think it's too revealing but of course, that doesn't stop the pink-haired manager.

"Oh, come on, [First Name]-chan!" Momoi tries to convince you again. "Aka-kun would like it!"

"B-but... It-it's too revealing!" You tell her, covering your chest.

"Why would you be embarrassed of those, they are male's pride and glory!" Momoi argues, "Besides, you're being more of a tsundere than Midorin!"

A light blush dusted your cheeks. "I am not a tsundere!"

"Then be confident and wear it!" Momoi says.

"Fine," You grumble, tying your [Hair Colour] hair into a ponytail.

You and Momoi step out of the changing room and met with the rest of the rainbow group.

You hid behind Momoi as she walked towards the group. "Oi, Satsuki," You hear Aomine call, "Where's [First Name]-chan?"

"What do you mean, she's right there- wait what?!" Satsuki looks to her side to not find you there, but then turns back to see you. "You scared me." She pouts.

"It's your fault you put me in a freaking two piece!" You say, frustrated.

"Oh, lighten up, you're pretty, okay?" Momoi tries and pulles you out of her shadow, showcasing you to the males.

Aomine wolf whistles, "Damn, [First Name]-chan, you're-" A volleyball was thrown to his face. "Hey! What gives?!"

Midorima stood next to you with a smirking Akashi, who seemed satisfied. "Good job, Shintaro."

At the sight of your boyfriend, your cheek reddens, "A-Aka-" You clear your throat, "Uh... Maybe I should change, this is too weird."

You turn to walk away before you feel someone grab your wrist. "Did I order you to change, [First Name]?" You hear his voice, a chill runs up your spine.

"N-no," You say and you turn around to face him.

"You look nice," He compliments, "Now stop fretting." He orders.

"N-not that I care that you think I look nice, or anything..." You look away.

"Though, you're right," Akashi says. "It is too revealing, only I can see you like that," He says, making you blush a deeper shade of red. You see Akashi take of his shirt, handing it to you.

You take it and wear it, it coming right to your mid-thighs. "Th-thanks..."

"Why'd you do that, Akashi," Aomine whines.

Akashi shot him a sharp look, making him gulp, "If you want to see my girlfriend like that again, you'll have blades right between your eyes."

You sweat drop at your boyfriend's attitude and pulled him away from the group.


I hope you liked it ;n;

Btw, I actually do know a tsundere in real life, and she's one of my close friends. Of course, she won't admit it and I have promised not to call her that but YOU'RE SO ADORABLE OK ALICE DONT BE ASHAMED OF YOUR TSUNDERENESS!

Coming Soon:

☯ Kuroko x male -requested-

☯ Akashi x male -requested-

☯ Kuroko x tsundere -requested-

☯ Takao x reader -requested-

☯ Aomine x marching band reader -requested-

{{ 45 days to go }}

- Rin { 21/11/14 } 💓

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