#85 Too Late [Aomine x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @Satsukiii_Tetsu !

Thank you for requesting! 💖

I was having a lot of troubles writing this sad stuff and she helped me out, thank you, Red-chan! <3

She gave me a storyline to work with, too ^.^ So the credit of the storyline goes to her!


You were casually walking around, looking for your boyfriend, who asked you out on a date the night before and told you to wait here but he has already been half an hour late so you decided to walk around.

You spotted a nearby bench and decided to sit there as you whipped out your phone and decided to call Aomine, maybe he was asleep.

You called Aomine and suddenly you could hear his ringtone from not far from where you were sitting.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Daiki?"

Still calling his phone, you walked to the source of the ringtone, to find something displeasing to your eye.

Your phone dropped to the ground and you looked at your boyfriend, who was making out with some girl.

You just didn't know what to do, cry? Slap him? Kill him? You didn't know anymore. "D-Daiki?"

He pulls away and looks at you, instantly looking surprised. "[F-First Name], it's not what you think it is," He says, pushing the girl on him away from him, nearing you.

"Babe, let's talk about this," He starts as he touches your shoulder.

"Don't," You say, making him stop moving, "Don't touch me!" You back away.

"[First Name], please, hear me out!" He follows you.

"No." You say, facing him, "I've had enough of this." You glare at him, "We're done."

"Wh-what, wait, I-"

"I don't want to hear it!" You run as tears fell from your eyes. You felt numb as to what you just witnessed.


It has been days since your break up, and your last meal. You hadn't felt the need to eat or move, you just continued to sleep on.

You didn't attend school, and Satsuki was ringing up your phone again and again, that you left it to die, forgetting on purpose to charge it.

She wasn't the only one hitting up your phone, Aomine sent several messages telling you to pick up or that he's sorry but you ignored them.

You just didn't feel the need to live anymore. That was it. You couldn't trust anyone anymore.

You just gave up one day, feeling so blank and light. Actually, you were numb, you couldn't feel a thing. You just wanted to end your life, seeing no point in it.

You walked up the stairs slowly as you had no energy to do anything. You've wasted tears, countless hours and effort for him, for nothing.

You reached the top floor and gazed out of the window, seeing your reflection slightly.

You were a mess, you had eye bags underneath your eyes, pale skin, dead looking eyes, a more skinny build than before.

You didn't feel sorry for yourself though, you didn't feel anything for yourself.

You went out of your room to the balcony. Your house was pretty tall, one careless step and that was it.

You felt the breeze caress your skin, blowing your hair calmly.

You were going to do it. You didn't care anymore. You closed your eyes, walking in the direction of the far end of the balcony.

You hit the ending and felt the cold railing against your fingertips. You let a tear slip down your cheek as you yanked yourself on the edge with the little ounce of energy you have left, sitting on it, dangling your feet.


After a while, you feel tired again. You laid your head on the ledge, your feet still dangling.

You manage a 'good night' before you drift off to sleep, when you felt yourself slip off the balcony.

You close your eyes as you wait for the impact of the concrete ground, only to feel a tight hold on your wrist.

You look up weakly to see Aomine there with a panicked look, he was calling your name but it was muffled, as if you were under water.

He pulls you back onto the balcony and brings you into a tight hug, which made you flinch, you didn't want to be touched by a cheater.

"You're okay, you're okay," He says, hugging you close, you could feel tears spilling on your shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." He keeps muttering over and over.

"Save it," You say, it was the first time in days you have said anything, so your voice came out raspy. "I don't need this right now." You pull away from his grasp.

"Look... [First Name]... I just need to explain. That was my ex-girlfriend, she was just... She came onto me, I didn't do anything, I swear." He says, looking into your dead orbs with hope.

"That's the thing. You did absolutely nothing. You let her kiss you. You didn't fight back." You told him, too tired to even keep awake.

"I just- I..." He trails off.

"Leave, Aomine." You manage out, holding back your tears as he doesn't deny any of it.

At the sound of his last name, he stands up and walks away, his head drooping down.

"Because I don't want you to see this," You say before you pull yourself up and climbed onto the ledge with much force, you felt tears blur your vision, "I loved you, Daiki..."

You let everything go. That was it. He wasn't there to stop you anymore.



[First Name] was a mess. I just need to make it up to her... Somehow.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and call the only person I knew that'd help me.

After two rings, her voice could be heard from the other side. "Satsuki, I need your help."


With the velvet box in my fingers, I walked out of my house with hope and nervousness. There's no way she'd not believe me now. No way.

I closed my door and stopped when I heard Satsuki. "Dai-chan!" Her tone was not cheery at all, and it made me wonder.

"What is it, Satsuki, I need to get to [First Name] before-"

"[First Name]-chan..." She cuts me off, with tears in her eyes, "[First Name]-chan is..." She began sobbing and I knew something was totally wrong.

I took Satsuki by her shoulders, "She's what, Satsuki?!"

"[First Name]-chan is dead... You're too late, Dai-chan..." She softly says, bringing my numb figure into a hug as tears flowed from both of us.


I hope you liked it 🌸

Coming Soon:

☯ Akashi x reader -requested-

☯ Aomine x reader -requested-

☯ Himuro x reader -requested-

☯ Kise x reader -requested-

☯ Nijimura x reader -requested-

{{ 5 days left }}

- Rin { 31/12/14 } ⛄️

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