#116 Goodbye [Aomine x Reader] (continuation)

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Continuation from #85! If you haven't read it, I suggest you go first ^.^

Ah, this is in 3rd Person POV!



[First Name] was walking around in her white dress and [Hair Colour] hair that swooshed around happily. She no longer was in contact with her body, she concluded as she watched herself limp on the pavement below her balcony.

She was free from all her distress, but why was she still there, on earth? She examined her hands and feet that were as white as snow. Boy, has she not been taking care of herself for a while.

She crouched down to her body and touched her face. "I'm sorry," She began to say, realizing she had no audible voice, she felt her neck and tried again, "I couldn't take it anymore." Still, nothing came out. With an inaudible sigh, she stood back up.

You can't talk, you're no longer alive. You have no voice so that you can listen first. A voice rang in her head. 'Listen to what' was the question.

Suddenly, sirens started blasting away, getting louder and nearer. She watched as men in white lifted her lifeless bloody body up onto a stretcher. Discreetly, she hoisted herself up into the ambulance and stayed with her body.


Nurses ran around [First Name]'s body. It was so busy that if [First Name] was not sitting with her back against the wall, she would not have caught it.

"Please help her!" [First Name] heard a frantic voice from outside of the room. "She fainted!"

With the overly familiar voice, she blinks and felt her heart race. She wasn't sure wether her heart sped up from hearing his voice again, or the fact that he had called for help.

She walked hesitantly through the wall to see Aomine frantically holding a lifeless-looking Momoi in his arms, waiting as the nurse types away on her computer in fear.

"C-can I know y-your relation to her, please?" The nurse asks him and he reluctantly answers 'cousin'. Without another word, men in white took Momoi from him, bringing her along with Aomine, [First Name] hastily following behind.


"Dai-chan, I'm fine. I just fainted." The pinkette assures him.

"I just lost [First Name], I didn't want to lose you, too, Satsuki." He replies, sitting next to her bed, head in hands.

"Speaking of [First Name]-chan..." Momoi trailed off, "She's here..."

The [Hair Colour] teen froze in place. Could she see her? [First Name] peered at her,

"So that's why everyone was running around," Aomine murmured to himself. Standing up, he places a kiss on Momoi's temple.

"I'm going to see her..." His voice cracks a little before shoving his hands into his pockets, striding out the door.

"Be strong, Dai-chan." Momoi encourages, watching the Blunette walk out.

Once Aomine was out of her line of sight, her smile drops. Tears slip from her eyes, "[First Name]-chan, why?" She croaks out.

[First Name] came up to her with tears of her own. Sorry, Satsuki-chan. She tried saying but when no words came out, she wrapped her arms around the unresponsive pinkette.


Aomine took small steps as he made his way to the counter again. He stops in his tracks before another set of warm tears pooled at the corner of his eyes.

[First Name] hoped she caught up to Aomine in time and she lets out a sigh when she sees the silhouette of the said male at the end of the hallway.

She runs over to him, stopping a few inches behind him. She was close enough to hear him utter, "It was my fault. Stupid."

She watched as his hands moved from his pockets to his eyes to rub the tears away.

He started walking again, and so did she. They came to a stop at the desk and the lady instructed him to go to [First Name]'s room.

Mumbling a thanks, they left. She wanted to do something. Despite her anger and hatred towards him, she felt so broken and hurt watching him cry. She felt sick seeing his hands shake.

She wanted to so something. Anything. To give him a sense of comfort. But sadly she could not do anything but trail him like a pup.


"I'm sorry for your loss," [First Name] hears the doctor tell Aomine before he and her were left alone in the room.

On the metal table, a white sheet was draped over a small figure. Aomine held his breath looking at it. He hesitated before opening the sheet, revealing the beautiful [First Name].

She looked at peace. Almost like she was just asleep. But he knew all too well that if she was only asleep, a simple movement like that would have woken her up.

He let a few tears slip as he traced her much slimmer figure than before. "This is all my fault." He whispers.

His heart ached. "I was gonna marry you, idiot." He caressed [First Name]'s cheek. His eyes were blurred by his tears. He could not do it. He could not accept that she was dead.

But what else could he do? The proof was right in front of him.

"I wanted to see you in white," He admits, "But not like this."

All [First Name] could do was stand there, feeling the sensation of his touch on her face.

"I really loved you," Aomine said, "No, I love you. I still do."

[First Name] felt a pang, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I can still feel your arms around my waist, [First Name]. I can imagine your tears on my back." Aomine says, startling the [Hair Colour] girl. "I'm going to miss you so much."

Her face was ice cold against his warm fingers and that only reminded him of the worst. "I'm so sorry."

[First Name] felt herself fade at the last phrase. "I hope you could forgive me for every stupid thing I've done, you deserved so much more." He says and she watches as her hands disappear.

She stands away from Aomine and beside her lifeless body. "I love you, [First Name]." His tears escape again.

As she felt herself almost fade completely, she tried her best to make him hear her reply, but she knew he would not have heard it no matter what she did.

I forgive you, Daiki. Goodbye.

--- Coming Up Next ---

♥︎ Takao x Reader
♥︎ { O P E N }
♥︎ { O P E N }
♥︎ { O P E N }
♥︎ { O P E N }

✿ Requests ✿

--- life hack ---

Going to the beach? Or bringing your phone to the shower? (It's okay to admit, almost all of us do it) Put your phone in a zip lock bag and tighten it leaving no air inside. Now your phone is sand and water proof!!


- Yeo Rin

『 11-11-15 』

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