#8 Long Distance [Kagami x reader] -Requested-

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Dedicated to @Dragonmaster54321 ! Thank you for requesting! 😉 { I can't dedicate bc I'm using my phone 😐 }


You felt your phone vibrate on the night stand as you reach for it. You groan, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. You see the dialer and it was in fact, your boyfriend, Kagami Taiga.

You look at the clock on the nightstand - 2:17AM

You answer the phone and your voice betrayed you, coming out groggy, giving off that you just woke up. "Hello?"

The line was silent for a while, Kagami possibly just realized that its early morning at your place. "Oh shit sorry [First Name]! I totally forgot to check what time it is!" You chuckled at his panic state, "Did I wake you?"

"It's fine, babe." You smile even though he can't see it. "What's up?"

"We won, [First Name]! We won!" He cheered.

"Won?" Then your brain processed that he was in fact talking about the previous game he had against Rakuzan. "Congrats baby!"

He laughed whole-heartedly and you chuckled along, "Thanks!" You yawn after minutes of talking to him, "Are you tired?"

You wiped your eyes, "Yeah."

"Go sleep, babe, I'll talk to you later." Kagami says and you smile. "I love you, [First Name]."

"I love you too, Taiga." You say before he hangs up and you slip back into sleep.


The next day, you had no school whatsoever so you checked the time in Japan to call Kagami. You sent a text for confirmation and he sent one back that he was practicing at the moment, as it was 4AM there. He also mentioned that you guys can talk later at night.

And so you felt a little disappointed at how busy he was but didn't let it get to you.


Then, night came and you forgot that you were going to talk to Kagami so you read your novel.

You put your hair into a bun and removed your contact lenses and wore your glasses [A/N: if you don't wear glasses then pretend c:] in your onesie and sat in your bed, your laptop on standby in front of you.

You read and read until you heard a thump from your laptop. When you looked at your laptop, you see your boyfriend on the screen, looking startled.

"T-Taiga?" You stutter, you don't remember accepting his skype call- 'oh right,' you thought, 'I put him on auto-accept,' mentally face-palming.

Kagami cracked a dorky grin, "[First Name]." Chuckling, he scans you, "Well, you look adorable."

"Hey." You say, "I wasn't expecting anything so I'm a bit unprepared." You motion to your onesie.

"Sorry, I couldn't call earlier..." He scratches the back of his head.

"That's okay babe." You answer, shutting your novel, quietly putting it on your nightstand. "So, how was your day?"

"Well," he starts, telling you about his day.


After a few laughs, you felt sleepy. You accidentally let out a yawn.

"Are you sleepy?" He asks.

"A little bit." You rub your eyes.

"Go to sleep babe," Kagami says.

"Alright... I love you." You say.

"I love you too." He answers.

You fell asleep.

In the morning, your friend comes up to you, squealing, "Omg [First Name]! Your boyfriend is so sweet!"

You raised an eyebrow, confused. "What makes you say that?"

"Haven't you checked Instagram?" She asked, face-palming.

You fish your phone from your butt pocket. And on your lock screen was an Instagram notification from Kagami. Unlocking it, you smiled. It was a college of three pictures of your skype call last night. He seemed to screen capture it. The first picture was you reading, the next was you just laughing and the last one was you sleeping.

The caption was:
@Kgmitaiga_ {I invented it up, its not real} : I'm really lucky to have such an adorable girlfriend @[Instagram Username] . I love you and thanks for being patient with our long distance relationship!


I hope you liked it! 😊

Coming up:

☯ Himuro x reader

☯ Human Nigou x reader

☯ Hyuuga x reader

☯ Momoi x reader [First girl one shot :)]

☯ Aomine x reader

- Rin { 17/9/14 } 💕

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