#67 Airplane [Mayuzumi x Reader]

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Oops, I've been spelling his name wrongly all this time 😅 It's MayUzumi not MayAzumi 😅😅


You were about to leave for France, where you parents were, because of an arranged engagement with some guy you don't know.

You were upset that your parents didn't trust your judgement. However, you kept it hidden and smiled as if nothing was going on.

The Rakuzan team went to send you off that day. "[Nickname]-chan, do you really have to go?" Reo pouts, everyone was hearing your conversation with him diligently.

You hum and smile sadly, "I guess so, senpai."

"Take care of yourself there, [Nickname]-chan, okay?" Reo tells you, giving you a hug.

You smile and hugged back before pulling away. "Send my regards to your parents, [First Name]." Akashi says.

You nod and salute him with a lopsided grin, "Hai Akashi-kun!"

He smiles and pats your head. The rest of the Rakuzan team goes off to a coffee shop, waiting for your departure, except for one.

Your best friend, Chihiro Mayuzumi, [A/N: Grrr MAYUZUMI NOT MAYAZUMI RIN PLS] stood before you with his hand in his pocket.

You gave him a sad smile and he closes his eyes with a sigh. "Are you okay with this?"

"Yeah," He answered, "I don't have a say anyways."

You hug his much taller figure and he doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you. You don't feel him move, it was most likely that he was thinking.

You pull away and cup his cheek with both your hands, "Stop thinking too much, okay, senpai?" You laugh.

He hums in response. 'Attention to boarders of the flight F43. Please get your passport and ticket ready and proceed to gate 3, thank you.' You hear the announcer say.



"You better go..." I force out. I can't do this. I love her.

"Yeah," She laughs, tears were pooling in her eyes and I knew not of what to do.

The rest of the team comes back to where we are and gives [First Name] her last few hugs. She picks up her handbag and her hand carry suitcase and drags it toward the said gate.

I watched as her figure got smaller, and smaller, until eventually, she disappeared. I looked down as I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulder.

"Go after her." Reo's voice sounds.

"She's getting married," I huff out and he grins.

"Not if you stop her now. She loves you, Chi-chan." Reo tells me and I look at Akashi.

"If I were you, I'd run now, before she enters the plane, it's right outside, you know." Akashi states and I look outside, surely, [First Name] was lining up, preparing to board the plane.

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Come on!

There she is. "[First Name]!" I ran towards her. She turned around and I hug her.

"S-senpai?" She stutters, wrapping her arms around me.

"Don't go." I whisper, hugging her tighter.

"Senpai, you and I both know that-," She starts and I cut her off.

"That I love you." I say, leaving her quiet.

I pull away slightly to see her smile, "I love you too, senpai." We look back at the airplane, where the flight attendant was waiting for her. "But I have to go."

"Wh- What?" I ask her.

"Trust me, senpai." She says.

She lets go of me and I sigh, "Until we meet again." I tell her and she pecks me cheek.

She boarded on the plane and I walked back to the gate, where the rest of the team were standing.

My teammates pat me on the back as we saw the plane take off. I close my eyes and heard a familiar voice beside me.

"What are you guys waiting for?" [First Name] asks and we all turn around to see her with a smile and her hands behind her back.

"How did you-" I ask and she giggles.

"You're not the only one with misdirection~" She says, suddenly disappearing from in front of us, "Can't keep up with me?" She asks, from behind us.

I sigh, I should've known. I turn around and take her into my arms, "Don't you ever do that again."

"Hai~ senpai!" She kisses really close to my lips and I blushed.

"Ehhhhhhhhh," Reo says and we look over my shoulder, "Chi-chan, I didn't know you could do it!"

I irked at him, "Of course, I could I-"

"Give him a break," [First Name] laughs, taking my hand and dragging me away.


Coming Soon:

☯ Human Nigou x reader

☯ Kuroko x reader

☯ Akashi x reader

☯ Takao x reader

☯ Kagami x reader -requested-

{{ 22 days to go }}

- Rin { 14/12/14 } ⛄️

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