#84 Candle [Himuro x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @Satsukiii_Tetsu !

Thank you for requesting! 💖

btw it'll all be in Third Person POV~



Everyone ignored the shortest candle, taking the longer ones instead. The candle sat still, desperate for a companion. It had no flame, no life, no light, no purpose. Until someone found it on the high cabinet, lighting it, giving it life and light. The founder waxed it on a plate, placing it on the window sill.

The 7-year-old black haired male was crying in the corner, with his knees to his chest. He was picked on for being different, since he moved to America, this was how it was.

"Tatsuya-kun?" A soft voice calls, and the crying boy looks up to see a 7-year-old [Hair Colour] haired girl.

Tatsuya had never met the girl, but she seemed like she was from Japan as well. "Are you okay?" With his assumptions proven correct when she spoke Japanese, he calmed down.

He wiped his tears as he looked down from the girl. "I-I'm okay..."

The girl cupped his cheek and wiped his tears with a comforting smile, "Don't cry, smiling suits you best."

With curiosity, Tatsuya looked up at the girl, "What's your name?"

"[First Name]!" He was more than happy with your happy aura.

"Thank you, [First Name]-chan."

It was no ordinary candle. The founder noticed that it melted slower than others, and the fire being as gentle as it could, tried hard not to melt it too fast but the fire had no control, because once it was lit, it wouldn't, and couldn't, stop giving out heat. The founder was so intrigued, he left the fire and wanted to see how long it would last.

"Tatsuya-kun!" 15-year-old [First Name] approaches her boyfriend, who was playing basketball at the court.

"Hey, [First Name]-chan," Tatsuya greets her, dribbling the basketball ball and preparing to shoot, and he makes it in with a satisfying swish. "You're early."

She holds up a plastic bag that had two bottles of water and some treats. "[Random Teacher] let us out early, so I decided to bring you some things."

"Ah, thanks." He smiles and prepares to shoot again.

At the exact same moment, [First Name] coughs heavily, after feeling a tightening feeling in her lungs.

She let out more coughs, and ended with a last cough, coughing out blood. She looked at her hands and widened her eyes. "T-Tatsuya..." She calls, before feeling light-headed.

"[First Name]-chan!" He runs towards her before she faints, "You're coughing up blood! I'm bringing you to the hospital!"

At that moment too, [First Name] struggles to keep awake and he hurriedly calls an ambulance and held her in his arms.

The candle began to get shorter, day by day. The melted wax stuck onto the plate at which it was placed on. The candle struggled and fought to stay longer.

"[First Name]-chan," A soft voice calls and knock is heard on the said female's ward door. "Sorry, did I disturb you?"

The [Hair Colour] haired female weakly smiles and shook her head, "It's alright, Tatsuya-kun."

He sits beside her bed and held her frail hand. He sighs, "It's been a few months hasn't it?"

She nods, "6 months." With the intention of lightening up the mood, she asks him, "What did you do today?"

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