#112 Haunted House [Takao x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to oneeeeeee-chan! Thankies for requesting, Yuneeeeee! ^w^ 🍃


"Oh, come on," He pleads for the third time today, "It'll be fun, and I'll be there the whole time!!!"

"But," You protested, "It's just... Not my gig," You quickly dismissed.

"Is it, or just because you're scared?!" He taunted and you sighed, not giving into his reasoning and persuasion. "Fine, don't go. I'll just go by myself, it's no big deal," He huffs, disappointed.

You take a glance at him and you regretted it. He was pulling the most cutest pout you've ever seen him pull off. You groaned, "Fine, but only because you're a dork and you'd probably get into loads of trouble."

Ignoring your comment, he beams, his hands fist bumping the air. "It's going to be so much fun!"


Wearing a normal yellow sundress and white hoodie was both a great and terrible idea.

Great because you'd feel free and sweat is not going to stick to you like gum on a shoe; bad because, it was hard to run in a dress, which you were contemplating real hard about when you saw the front door to the haunted house.

It was decorated with a broken wood sign with a blood red paint saying 'Deadly haunted house' and some ghosts beside it. You were afraid of haunted houses but Takao really wanted to go, and who can say no to a face like that?

Other than Shin-chan...

"Come on, [First Name]-chan!" Takao excitedly guided you, pushing you at the small of your back.

"I-I'm right with you," You coughed to conceal your accidental stammer.

You and Takao lined up behind the excited people waiting their turn to walk in, and it wasn't long before it was your turn.

Takao was inspecting the cave-like place, and suddenly stumbled onto a nearby wall.


Takao let go of the wall and screamed, feeling liquid on his hands. "What are you doing, touching my blood?" Shrieked a woman behind you.

You slowly turned around to see a woman with long hair covering her face, her white gown stained with red which dripped against the floor. You and Takao didn't hesitate to run and scream with all your might.

"Where are you going, my dinner?"


I'm never going to a haunted house ever again," You hear your boyfriend groan as he washed off the paint off his hand.

"Says the person who dragged me all the way here and practically begged me to go in," You laughed, realizing that the house was not so bad.

He pouted as you lauhged at him, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I did have a little fun," You casually admitted, making him beam at you and lunge at you.

"Let'd go to another one then! I hear there's a really great one in town that just opened up-" He rambles on.

You sigh internally, me and my big mouth.


Hope you liked it *^*

—- I'm not taking any requests right now, sorry! —-

Coming up next:

☼ Akashi x reader

—- trivia —-

Did you know having 20-second-hugs relaxes you?

Reason - a hormone and neurotransmitter Oxycontin is released and that is a natural anti-depressant

- Yeo Rin

[ Finished on 23rd May 2015 ]

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