#12 Period [Momoi x Reader]

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Oh btw, I'm not sure if any guys are actually reading this, but if you are, COOL! I don't see lots of guys in Wattpad, I think 90% of Wattpad users are girls. So if you're a guy, you're awesome! :D


It was that time of the month again, and your girlfriend, Momoi Satsuki, was hurting like hell, curling up on the couch, twisting and turning, trying to find comfort. You sat next to her, running your hand through her cotton candy hair, trying to give her a sense of comfort.

You watched and thought of a way to calm her down and you thought of when your sister had her period and what her boyfriend did for her. [A/N: please pretend you have a sister if you don't have one. Oh and if she doesn't have a boyfriend, pretend too.] So you got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to make hot tea and heat the hot pack.

After you've done that, you went back to the squirming Satsuki. "Satsuki, here." You carefully placed the now towel-wrapped hot pack on her tummy, under her shirt. She muttered a thanks as you handed her the tea.

She looked calm, but still in pain, so you rubbed circles on the back of her hand and kissed her temple, "Wait here, I'll go get something for you." You decided, thinking of the usual pleasure girls on periods want.

She rested her head against the arm of the sofa, "Okay, [First Name]-kun..."

You grabbed your keys and wallet and headed to the convenience store. There, you greeted the cashier -who was busy playing her phone behind the cashier register- and grabbed a few necessary things for Momoi, chocolate and some medicine. You paid and left to go back to attend to Momoi.

When you came back, she was cozily wrapped in her blanket, sipping her tea. You smile at her cute features, her long pink hair in a bun, she had even changed into a cozy over-sized sweater.

You ended up snuggling with her as she ate the chocolate, watching Netflix on your laptop until she fell asleep in your arms. As she did, you kissed her forehead, closing the laptop and falling asleep as well, hearing her mutter "I love you, [First Name]..."


LOLOL writing in a guy's perspective like a bosssssss jk jk

This is short idk

I honestly don't know how this turned out, was this okay or... Should I just stick to making boy character one shots... ;-;

Coming soon:

☯ Aomine x reader

☯ Wakamatsu x reader

☯ Riko x reader

☯ Kise x reader

☯ Akashi x reader

- Rin { 26/09/14 } 💕

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