#121 Lost [Himuro x Reader]

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//Kind of an angst//

"We'll meet again some day, right, Tatsuya?" [First Name]'s voice cracks as she clings onto Himuro with her dear life.

How it pained him to see her like that. But who could blame her? They've been friends since forever, always doing everything together but now he's leaving to his home country, Japan, and for a long time, too.

"Of course, we will," He says, barely above a whisper. "See you when I see you, [First Name]."

"Taiga, this is the nth time you've checked your phone," Himuro chuckles, "Relax, we're almost there."

"I know, it's just," Kagami sighs, "I just really have a bad feeling and I miss [Random Name]. I'm worried something happened or something."

Himuro smiled, "You're whipped, Taiga."

"Aren't you?" He groaned, "I mean with [First Name]."

"That's a whole different story," Himuro flicks Kagami's forehead as he leaned against the airplane seat.

The two friends were on their way back to the states for winter break. The two had two lovely girls waiting for them there except, one was Kagami's girlfriend and one was you, Himuro's crush.

"Are you gonna finally ask her out?" Kagami asks, scrolling through his phone.

An image of your smiling face instantly filled Himuro's mind causing him to smile too, "We'll see." He flipped his hair out of his face for a fraction of a second.

Thoughts of the [Hair Colour] girl made their way into his mind. A grin made its way to his face, his hand going up to contain it. How he loved you so much.

He was 19 now, he had to make it up to you for leaving you with tears all those years ago. His smile dropped and his heart clenched at the image of you broken, crying.

"How'd you two meet again?" Kagami ask, "I don't think I've ever understood that bit."

Himuro lets out a chuckle, sipping his orange juice. "We met when we were kids. It was me, [First Name] and [Random Guy]." He put the cup back into the cup holder, "It was around the time I met you."

"She randomly asked me for a race," He continues with a smile, recalling your adorable persistant face, "She wouldn't stop asking me until I said yes. Damn, was she fast. I barely won against her, she shook my hand and said, 'a worthy opponent has risen'."

"She's weird," Kagami laughs, "Guess that's why you like her so much."

"I suppose," Himuro agrees, "I wonder how she has been doing."

"Don't you guys text?" Kagami asks, tucking his phone in his pocket.

"Rarely." Himuro admits with a sad smile, "She's been busy lately."

"With what?" Kagami presses.

Himuro shrugs, leaning back, "Probably school stuff."

The intercom dinged and the two stopped conversing to listen. We will be landing shortly, please be seated in your respective seats.


"The flight is finally over!" Kagami cheered, walking with Himuro to find his baggage.

Obtaining their baggage, they walk to the waiting area where the two women were waiting for them. Himuro's heart began to beat faster at the thought of you being so close to you.

He could not wipe off that grin on his face, nor could he slow down his pace.

Once out of the glassed doors, Kagami was instantly welcomed by [Random Girl From Earlier] with a hug and a kiss.

Himuro, on the other hand, was met with familiar bright [Eye Colour] orbs staring back at his with a huge smile on her face.

He ran to you and hugged you, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around. He heard your melodic laughter and put you down. "I missed you so much, [First Name]!"

"Woah, Tatsuya," [Random Guy] laughs, "It's nice to see you but careful there, you're swaying her too much."

"Hey, [Random Guy], nice seeing you again." Himuro greets and [First Name] smacks [Random Guy].

"I'm fine, the baby's fine, too, geez," You laughed, kissing [Random Guy]'s cheek.

Suddenly, Himuro could not hear the busy chatter of the crowd. A ringing sound sounded in his ears as he sees [First Name]'s lips animatedly moved but nothing came out. He felt a sharp pain in his chest. "'Baby'?"

[First Name] laughed joyously, one hand holding [Random Guy]'s hand and one on her tummy. "I'm pregnant, Tatsuya, sorry I didn't tell you."

Only now did he notice a little bump on her tummy. Forcing a smile on his face, he shoved his hand into his pocket, "Congratulations, [First Name]." You smiled sweetly at him but it was only eating him alive.

Right there and then, Himuro's world was forever shattered. So that's what Taiga's bad feeling was.

--- A/N ---

I love you, please don't kill me ♡♡

May the force be with you x

--- Coming Up Next ---

♥︎ Hanamiya x Reader
♥︎ Akashi x Reader
♥︎ Kise x Reader
♥︎ Kiyoshi x Reader
♥︎ Murasakibara x Reader

✿ Requests are closed ✿

--- life hack ---

If you have a runny nose, press the roof of your mouth with your tongue and press the area between your eyes for 20 seconds.

- Yeo Rin

『 17-12-15 』

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