#38 Cafe [Takao x Reader]

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You pretty much froze when the couple came in. They were people from school but of course, they didn't know you. It was Midorima Shintaro and Takao Kazunari. What made it worse was that you actually had a crush on the shorter male.

"W-welcome, m-masters," You stutter out, hoping they did not recognize you, even the slightest.

"Good to be here!" Takao called out, grinning.

"R-right this way, masters," You say as you lead them to a table for two. You handed them menus and excused yourself with a "I'll be back in 10."

You came to the counter with your round tray hugged to your body.

"Jeez..." You huffed, "Why are they in a maid cafe?"

Your co-worker giggles and you look to her. "Seems like someone got an admirer." She smirks, nodding towards your school mates, and surely, Takao was staring at you.

You blush, "Shut up, [Random Name]-senpai..."

Your heads shot in their direction when you saw Takao's arm shoot up as a sign they were ready to order.

You put on a smile and hesitantly walk over to them with a notepad and pen. "What can I get you, masters?" You ask enthusiastically, trying not to give out your obvious shyness towards them.

You jot down Midorima and Takao's orders and excused yourself to hand the order to you.

As the chef makes the parfaits they ordered, you couldn't help but snap your eyes towards your crush. He was joyously laughing at something Midorima had said.


As you stood behind the counter, helping register Takao and Midorima's order, Takao made small talk with you and smiled before leaving.

You sigh as you went over to their table to clean up. Removing Takao's plate, you blushed, gazing upon a note that sat there for you to read.

'I know who you are, [First Name]-chan, don't worry this'll be our little secret :)

P.S - you look really cute as a maid ;)


Coming soon:

☯ Akashi x reader -requested-

☯ Miyaji x reader

☯ Kise x reader

☯ Akashi x reader -requested-

☯ Sakurai x reader

- Rin { 29/10/14 } 💕

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