#42 Phone Call [Akashi x Reader] -requested-

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The continuation of #33, Dedicated to the lovely @andrearosal & @LoveTJandOneD !

Thank you for (kinda) requesting 💕


Once you've parted ways, you to your room and him to his limo, you watched him from your window as he steps into his vehicle, not before your eyes locked and you blush with a smile, which he returns, closing his door and leaving.

You walk over to your bed and squeal into your pillow. There was just something about him that captivated you and you couldn't keep him out of your head. His beautiful glistening heterochromatic eyes, his pale complexion, his formal gentleman personality, his slight smirk in his smile, his lips... his lips...

You shook your head, blushing fiercely at the thought.

You were knocked out of your thoughts as your cheshire grinning mother emerged from the door. "How was dinner?"

You smiled to yourself, thinking of when he held your hand in his, "Wonderful."

She squealed, "Tell me everything!"

You looked at your mother incredulously and laughed, she usually was really strict with your ex lovers.

"Well," A blush formed on your cheeks, telling her everything that happened.


"You've fallen for him!" Your mother exclaims, smiling.

"M-mom!" You react, "I don't think so, I just met him!"

"Your face says different, sweetie." She teases.

You were about to react before you heard your phone go off and you excused your self.

"Hello?" You answer instantly, after 2 rings.

"[First Name]," His voice sounded.

You silenced for a moment, "S-Seijuro?"

He chuckles, "Did I disturb you?"

"N-no," You say as your mother give you a cheeky grin at the mention of his name. "How did you get my number?"

"My father had given it to me," He admits as you sweat drop, of course its his father.

Your mother leaves your room, mouthing 'have fun' and you sweat drop muttering 'seriously...'

"Can I help you, Seijuro-kun?" You ask politely.

"No, I just wanted to make sure this was your number, father said he might have mixed them up," He tells you and you smile.

"Oh, is that so?" You ask and he mutters a 'yes'.

"Are you free tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yes, nothing on my schedule~" You say enthusiastically.

"Do you want to go for lunch?" He asks and you squeal inwardly.

"I don't see why not," You smile, wondering if he was smiling as well.

"Good," He says, "My empress shall not be too busy for me." At that moment, your relationship with him began, building up into a strong one.


I hope you liked it .-.

Happy First November, reader-chans ^.^

Coming soon:

☯ Sakurai x reader

☯ Kiyoshi x reader

☯ Izuki x reader

☯ Kuroko x sadistic reader -requested-

☯ << O P E N >>

- Rin { 01/11/14 } 💕

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