#1 Embarrassed By You? [Kuroko x Reader]

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The teacher had put the Generation of Miracles to punishment because Murasakibara, Kise and Aomine kept falling asleep in class. The upcoming class festival was coming up and they were given the job to decorate the walls of the classroom. You, as the class representative, had to keep an eye on them.

Then again, you weren't complaining, considering you were childhood friends with Kuroko and friends with the rest. But nobody knew that, because you had distanced yourself from the group when they entered 2nd year of junior high. You were the weird girl, you were bullied and picked on at school, you didn't want to embarrass the team by being with them.

[A/N: Please don't take offense on this, I find weird as a compliment... And for the sake of the story, let it go.]

"[Last Name]-san, can you please do me a favor and keep an eye on them?" The now irritated teacher pleads.

The students around you began to look at you and whisper in jealousy and disgust.

You hesitated before standing up from your seat, "Yes, teacher."

The girls began throwing insults at you secretly, but you could hear them clearly. Little did you know, six boys were keeping their eyes on you, watching your every move and sending each other questioning looks to why you hesitated.

And so, after school, the miracles were doing their punishments while you were trying to staple the ribbon to the notice board at the back of the room on a portable and unstable ladder with your childhood friend and crush, Kuroko Tetsuya holding the lower area to avoid you from falling.

You held the ribbon higher, preparing to staple it to the board when you were suddenly called.

"[First Name]." The all too familiar voice called, "Why are you avoiding us- me?" Kuroko asked.

You froze in your place, startled by the sudden question. The rest of the miracles stopped what they were doing to pay attention to what he had asked, awaiting your response. But after you didn't answer for a while, they decided it was probably personal between you and Kuroko so they made up excuses to leave the classroom.

After the door shut quietly, you finally found your voice, "Wh-what are you talking about, Te- Kuroko-san?" You stammered, quickly stapling the ribbon to the board.

It was silent again. "Kuroko-" You called, but being cut off by the phantom himself.

"What happened to 'Ya-chan'?" He asks, bringing up your nickname for him.

"Th-that's..." You held the staple gun to the board, about to staple but stopped when you had realized that he had caught you.

"You've never called me by my surname, [First Name]-chan. Why now? Why after all your life?" Kuroko asks, his voice softening, "Did you feel like we aren't close anymore?"

"What do you mean Kuro- Ya-chan?" You laughed nervously as you shook nervously and clumsily fell off the ladder. You squealed as you fell, covering your face, waiting for the impact that never came.

Instead you were in someone's warm arms, preventing you from actually feeling the impact of the cold, hard floor. You were in Kuroko's arms. You slightly uncovered your blushing face, "Ya-chan..." He looks at you, urging you to continue. "I... I just didn't want you to be embarrassed by me..." You tell him looking away as he still held you bridal style.

"Embarrassed... By you?" He asks, putting you down, trapping you against the wall.

You blushed at your position, looking away, "Yeah... You're in the Generation of Miracles now, you're known, being with the weird girl would only bring that down... Wouldn't it?," You ask.

"Is that what it was?" He softly chuckles, leaning down to hug you. "[F/N]-chan, it doesn't matter what they say, I won't be embarrassed by you, I love being with you and nothing's gonna keep me away."

"Wh-what?" You ask, returning his hug.

He pulled back to look at you serious in the eyes, "I love you, [First Name]-chan."

You blushed, smiling a small smile, "I-I love you too, Ya-chan." He pecked your lips and enveloped you in another hug.

After that encounter, you spent time with your friends, not caring of what people had to say about you because they protected you from them, especially your boyfriend, Kuroko Tetsuya.



I didn't know who to start with then I'm like, "why don't I start with the main character?" AND THATS EXACTLY WHAT I DID! >:3

I'm absolutely sorry if my one shots are terrible! I just don't have a life and I've committed myself to writing and studies,,



Coming up:

☯ Aomine x reader

☯ Kise x reader

☯ Takao x reader

☯ Midorima x reader

☯ Akashi x reader

- Rin { 26/8/14 } 💕

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