#4 Future [Takao x Reader]

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You sat on the grassy field with your boyfriend, Takao Kazunari, laying his head on your lap. He just got out of a match and he was exhausted so you let him use your lap as a pillow as he rested, right after a shower.

He slept as you ran your fingers through his hair. Suddenly opening his eyes, he stared at you.

"Hmm?" You ask him as you looked at your boyfriend who's deep in thought. "What's wrong?"

He snapped out of his trance and looked at you, "Nothing is." He smiles at you and your stomach fills with butterflies. You blush and looked away. "[First Name]-chan?"

At the sound of your name, you looked at him, he was now hovering above you, his hands on either side of your head.

"T-Takao-kun?" You stutter, looking up at him.

"I love you," He says as he places a kiss on your lips.

"Wh-what?" You stutter out as he pulls away.

"I love you, [First Name]-chan," He says, kissing you again.

"I-I... I love you t-too, Takao..." You manage out from your blush.

He smiles and places a kiss on your cheek, rolling off you, laying next to you, "I had a dream." He chuckled.

"E-eh?" You ask him as you try to recover from your blushing fit. "Wh-what was it about?"

"You." Takao says, taking your hand and placing his lips on the back of it.

"Why was I in your dream?" You ask as you feel his larger hand wrapped around yours.

"You are my future." He tells you, staring up at the sky. You blushed as you remembered his ability to actually see bits and parts of the future with his eagle eye. You faced him and watched him smile at the sky. You smile at him. "I don't think so though." You furrow your eyebrows at his latter statement. He faces you with a smile, "I know so."

'Oh' you thought, smiling at him.

Little did you know, he was right, you two got married 5 years later and had identical twins, a boy and a girl. "You were right, Kazu-kun." You tell your husband as you stared at your peacefully sleeping children.

"What do you mean, [First Name]-chan?" He asks, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.

"About still being together in the future." You tell him, relaxing into him as he puts his chin on the crook of your neck.

"Of course I was," He tells you. "You are my past," He says, placing a kiss on your shoulder, "...present..." a kiss on your neck, "...and future." A kiss on your cheek.

You smiled, and continued watching the twins as they sneezed in sync in their sleep.


Takaaaaao <3 :3 I'm honestly not sure about Takao having that future thing but my friend had told me about that once I think. But if I got it wrong, SORRY!!!

Coming up:

☯ Midorima x reader

☯ Akashi x reader

☯ Murasakibara x reader

☯ Kagami x reader

☯ Himuro x reader

- Rin { 29/8/14 } 💕

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