#41 Cancer [Kise x Reader]

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You felt it. The pain that was bound to come, but you held on. You haven't properly said goodbye to your parents, or your boyfriend for that matter.

But it hurt. Your legs wouldn't move, your arms felt like lead, your head started to drum out loud and you just recovered from a nosebleed. Yes, you were a cancer patient with stage 4 cancer in your lungs.

You knew somehow that this was the last day, despite the doctor telling you there was over 2 months left.

Tears slid down your face, you had so much more to do, so much things to try. But because of this handicap, you couldn't do any of them.

A soft knock on the door came and there revealed your boyfriend with a soft smile on his face, but not for long when he sees tears on yours.

he set his plastic bags on the table and took a seat beside your bed, taking your hand in his, "[First Name]cchi, what's wrong?"

"It's... Almost.... Time..... Ryou-kun," You smile sadly at him as he wipes your tears.

"No, no, don't say that..." He says, "[First Name]cchi is the strongest person I know! She cannot give up!"

"I'm... so.... tired...." You admit, "I can.... Feel.... It..."

Tears welled up in his eyes, "No, you have 2 months left, bear with it until then please?"

"I'm.... sorry," You say, letting tears of your own slither down your cheeks. When you felt the nausea building up, you turned slightly towards your boyfriend. "Can... you... sing.... me... a... song?"

He takes your hand to his lips and nod, beginning to sing safe & sound.

His tears slid down his cheeks, '....you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now...'

You felt your eyes drooping and your heart clenching, it was trying its hardest to beat, for support of your system.

You hear him sob and you bring whatever ounce you have left in your body to raise your hand up to his cheek. "I... Love... You... Ryou..kun."

"I love you too-" he says, cut off by a loud and long beep from the heart rate machine, and that was when it all blacked out.



I felt numb when the doctors came piling in. They took off her shirt slightly to try and shock her chest. She wasn't moving and her body was as limp as a piece of paper in water.

I cried, she was gone. My beautiful [First Name]cchi was gone.

"Volt 12!" I hear the doctor scream and the nurses look at him in shock.

"But it could kill her!"

"She's already dead, this could work." The doctor argued and I watched as he shocked her chest once more.

It was almost like slow motion after the doctor announces, "Clear!" After he shocks her, an instant beep could be heard, indicating life.

I cried tears of joy, she was okay. My [First Name]cchi was okay.


If there are any cancer patients reading this or if anyone knows any cancer patient, they are the most beautiful people I can ever imagine. Not just physically beautiful, but they're beautiful inside too. They are the strongest people on the planet, who fights battles everyday.

Stay strong guys, I believe in you ❤️

Coming soon:

☯ Akashi x reader -requested-

☯ Sakurai x reader

☯ Kiyoshi x reader

☯ << O P E N >>

☯ << O P E N >>

- Rin { 30/10/14 } 💕

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