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It's another long, tiring day.

Luckily, he managed to set a good deal with P&O Cruises despite the pretentious analysis made by Acquisitions and Enquiry Department.

Well, Kyungmi and her team are always exaggerating their assessments. But he can't refute, his sister has to always do so to avoid damning losses if market prices are way over what is expected.

Thinking about Kyungmi, he thought what is happening between her and Minjun. Those two need to seriously get their act right. Uncle Jongin and Aunt Hemi have been asking him if their son is going out with her sister.

Eunsoo sighed as he removed his neck tie and threw his coat on top of the hotel bed.

Why is everybody asking him about his friends' love life recently? A year before, it was him being goaded by the elders, especially his dad and his mom, to get married. He thinks that stopped when it was announced his cousin Minju got pregnant by Jin.

Boy, that was a big drama. Thanked God Uncle Minseok and Uncle Yeolie settled their differences.

It is not that he was jealous or something, he does not have time. Do Multicorp. is growing exponentially now that his father has retired. Together with his siblings and Board of Trustees, basically his family friends, all working hard to ensure they remained on the top.

Eunsoo's phone rang cutting his thoughts away.

"Hello, Hyukkie."

"Congratulations, man! I heard from Seojoon its another deal you've just managed to close successfully today!"

"Thanks. Hang on, Seojoon called you?" Eunsoo asked over the phone.

"Hyung, Seojoon is here to ask my parents' permission for him to go out with my sister."

"Oh that. I forgot about it. He is head over heels with Hyuna. I'll bet after one month he will be proposing to your sister." Eunsoo smiled thinking about his bestfriend whilst taking a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the kitchenette.

"Uncle Jongdae will be glad. How about you, man? When can we meet the lucky lady?"

"Pfft. What are you talking about? We're always together most of the times!"

Eunsoo heard Hyuk laughed at the other end. "Hyung, have you not heard the rumour going around the office about you?"

"What is it?" Eunsoo asked, very curious. He drank some water.

"Man, sometimes I don't know if you are just coy or you're dense. That you have a lover you are hiding and you are keeping it a secret because Uncle Kyungsoo and Aunt Eunmi does not approve of the girl."

"Ahh, that one. I thought that died a long time ago. You know that is not true." Eunsoo defended himself.

"Apparently they said there is an evidence that the woman existed."

Eunsoo laughed. Is this the reason his mum and dad stopped nagging at him?

"I wished there was to keep my parents happy."

"Oh well, if that's what you say. I have to go now, I will be leaving soon for my flight to Chicago."

"Hyukkie, don't forget to send me the report of the hotel's annuity once you are there."

"Yes, boss! I'll see you in a week's time."

"Please tell Uncle Baekhyun I will see him tomorrow for his advice on this cruise company. Please send my regards to Auntie Rena as well. Take care Hyukkie." Eunsoo ended the call.

Once he received that annuity report, he will have to pass it to his brother Sooeun for he does not have time to look on it. He will require his team to concentrate for the merger with P&O Cruises.

For now, he wanted to rest. Tomorrow is another day, he had promised his youngest brother he will come down south to look at the new land they wanted to invest for the planned new warehouses they will need to built for the expansion of the flower farming business.

Mikyung is really doing well despite not actively involved with the corporation. He really is enjoying what he loves doing, and as his big brother, he is more than proud of what he has achieved. Together with his other cousins from Uncle Suho and Uncle Sehun, they managed to expand the flower farming business beyond immeasurable. Now they are exporting flowers abroad.

He was about to pick up his phone when he heard the door of his suite room bang opened and closed again.

He was shocked to see a long haired woman trudged inside, kicking her heels off which went flying into the carpeted floor whilst trying to remove her sequined dress.

"What the-!"

Eunsoo came near the woman noticing her eyes were closed. She had successfully removed her dress which was hanging on her waist.

Upon closer inspection, the woman's cheeks were reddened sensing she is drunk.

Eunsoo noticed the woman is very beautiful.

"Stop!" Eunsoo said when she tried to completely remove her dress.

The woman's eyes fluttered open and smiled, obviously drunk.

She went closer to him and looked up at his face.

"You're very handsome you know..." she said whilst touching his face with her dainty fingers.

The woman then tip-toed and kissed Eunsoo on the lips with her hands resting on his shoulders for support.

Eunsoo was mesmerised and seemed rooted on his spot, allowing the woman to kiss him.

Eunsoo must be out of his mind for what he did next was beyond him.

His two hands automatically held her tiny waist and responded to her kisses, forgetting his planned phone call.
©️Ynnatbeel 17/10/2021

Phew! Once in a dream is now officially complete!

Thank you all for voting, commenting, supporting, reading and following the story. As I have said, I couldn't have done it without you guys, so thank you 😘😌😊❤️🥰.

For my next story, please check my profile. It will be called 'Disguise in Love'.

Till next time my lovelies!!! ❤️

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