Chapter 38

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"Kyungsoo, wake up." Mrs. Hong gently shook him from his sleep in the couch of his Dad's VIP suite room.

He didn't know that he had fallen asleep whilst waiting for Uncle Jongro to arrive. Uncle Jongro reminded him that they need to talk this morning about his Dad's will, which surprised him, before he left late last night when his father was transferred to the CCIU.

"Atty. Kim is here to see you."

"Oh, thanks, Ahjumma." He has fallen asleep after speaking with his Dad's doctors the moment he returned from visiting Eunmi.

Curious about what this meeting is all about, he had little rest throughout the night whilst staying in Eunmi's hospital suite added to the fact that he's very much worried about his Dad's condition. Anyways, he can sleep later once this is over. He rubbed his face before standing up.

"Good morning, Uncle Jongro." he greeted whilst giving Atty. Kim a handshake and a hug.

"Ahjumma, if you can get us some coffee please." Kyungsoo politely asked their housekeeper.

Mrs. Hong nodded and went to the pantry.

"How is he?" asked Atty. Kim.

"He is now stable, Uncle, but he hasn't woken up. His consultants told me, if he won't wake up till this mid-afternoon, they predicted he might end up into a coma."

Silence enveloped the two hopeful men as Mrs. Hong brought two mugs of coffee down the table in between them.

"Thank you, Ahjumma." Mrs. Hong then left the room to give them some privacy.

Kyungsoo waited for their housekeeper to leave before addressing Atty. Kim again. "So Uncle, what's with Dad's will that you wanted to talk about?" he said whilst drinking his coffee.

"Your father instructed me to read his new will to you in case something happens to him. Like this incident." Atty. Kim started as he open his briefcase, pulling out a folder. "I knew that you are aware of his living will and testaments but he changed a provision pertaining about you exactly a month ago. The others were still the same, he didn't change any of it."

"Did he explain to you why he changed it?"

"It's all written in here." Atty. Kim said holding the folder. "I'm guessing he has a premonition that this will happen to him. Shall I start reading now?"

Kyungsoo was intrigued to know what were the new provision on his Dad's will so he just nodded.

"I, Do Jungwon, will give my one and only son Do Kyungsoo my entire fortune, assets and properties as listed below, and hand my corporation's chairmanship if anything happens to me unless my aforementioned son marries and bore a child within one year from the time he reads this will. After a year and the condition was not met by my son, he shall only inherit my mansion and a certain amount as indicated below; Do MultiCorp.'s stocks will be divided equally to all charitable institutions listed below, whilst my son, Do Kyungsoo, retaining the position of President of Do MultiCorp. and receive the same amount of salary thereafter."

"WHAT?!" Kyungsoo found his Dad's new will ridiculous.

"You can read it if you want." said Atty. Kim, who passed him the folder which Kyungsoo hastily read. It was written clearly and fool-proof. No loopholes either.

He can't believe that his Dad would do such thing on him. Although he is not bothered about being stripped of wealth, he can't accept the fact that the corporation his forefathers have built as well as the sweats he exerted in order to achieve what it has become of now, will just go to waste. The corporation has been Do family's legacy passed down to the next generation and he would like to continue doing the same now that Eunmi is carrying his child.

Remembering Eunmi, it erased the dark look on his face as a smile erupted on his lips.

'That's it!' he thought. His Dad's will is senseless since he has already fulfilled it maybe even before it was even drafted. All he needs to do is to marry Eunmi, which was what he has been planning ever since that fateful night.

He looked up at Atty. Kim in a jovial manner before talking. "Believe it or not, Uncle Jongro, I am not worried about Dad's will even one bit."

"What do you mean?" asked by the elder man raising his brows.

Kyungsoo just realized the semblance when his bestfriend, Jongin, do that on him.

"Well, I'm getting married in two weeks' time." he earnestly answered astonishing Atty. Kim.

(End of Flashback)

His flashbacks were interrupted by a nurse on her rounds. He gave way for the said person to record his Dad's vitals on a clipboard then resumed his position next to him after she had left.

Kyungsoo continued talking to his Dad as if he is awake.

"To tell you frankly Dad, I already planned to officially introduce her to you and announce our impending marriage but you fell sick. Probably if that had happened, I won't have to hear your will. I am not angry about it Dad, because I really intended to get married and give you a grandchild even without that will. I'm just looking for her and now I've found Eunmi-ah."

Kyungsoo continued, "But there's one problem Dad, she really did not know that I am the real father of her baby. I'm dying to tell her but I got scared instead I offered marriage to Eunmi as the only solution. I made it like that for her to think I'm saving her from disgrace. I know I'm a total idiot but if I told her the truth, she might hate me and order me to stay away from her. I don't think I could do that, Dad! I don't want to risk it, I love her so much! I was also afraid telling her the truth might be too much for her and will affect our baby. I will not be able to bear it if that happens..."

Kyungsoo stopped talking for it hurts him thinking of the possibility Eunmi would shunned him away from their lives, Eunmi and their baby's, if she learned the truth. He knew he should tell her but he's just waiting for the right opportunity.

At the moment, he wanted to bask in the bliss they were in. They have to get married first and Eunmi's pregnancy is still in a very delicate stage. These kinds of stresses won't do any good for their baby.

He continued talking to his father, sharing all of his thoughts, troubles and hopes. He even told him his fateful night with Eunmi and the chaos it brought to his mind.

He hoped his father will wake up to witness the surprise engagement party he's planning to give to Eunmi tomorrow evening.

Kyungsoo hasn't given any engagement ring to Eunmi yet and he thought to make it official tomorrow. He had planned it already in his mind and he needed all of his friends' help to make it happen.

It's a good thing his father passed him her Mom's engagement ring three years ago. It was an old heirloom of the Do family passed down from generation to generation.

With that in mind, he said goodbye to his father promising to come again the next day with Eunmi.

Kyungsoo started calling all of his friends for help in executing his plan as soon as he left his Dad's room.
©️Ynnatbeel 13/06/2021

My lovely readers, if you want to ask me anything please do so. Thank you 🤗
Happy reading ❤️!

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