Chapter 18

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The entire sacred ceremony passed swiftly without any hold ups. Everybody clapped their hands as the priest announced Jongin and Hemi as husband and wife.

Jongin shouted 'Yahoo!' after kissing Hemi passionately who was embarrassed sending laughter to all the audiences.

Eunmi was guided by Kyungsoo in all of her duties as the maid of honour. His constant hold on her elbow gave her goosebumps at the same time butterflies seem squirming in her stomach. Whenever she sneaks a look at him, she will always catching him looking at her. She did not know if her damned face can be compared to the colour of tomatoes because she just can't stop blushing.

Actually, Eunmi was thrilled by what is happening. She knew Do Kyungsoo for four years now eversince their publication made him the cover story. Though, she was not part of the interview and photoshoot, the article was passed to her since she was the agency's account executive. She had also seen him in various functions and parties before. Though, she never had a one-on-one talk with the man from those occasions that elicit this certain feeling she is experiencing right now until she saw him again at the hotel almost a month ago. The effect of this man on her at this moment was quite astonishing.

The middle of the garden was lined by immaculate white carpet with scattered rose petals overlooking the sea, serving as the dancefloor. A halfmoon platform was made for the DJ station, different musical instruments of the hired band, huge speakers, and strobe lights. A large disco light ball was hanging in the middle of the dancefloor with the cables holding it were encircled with pink Christmas lights.

The reception was situated at the far left side of where the wedding ceremony was held. The place was completely adorned with roses and old-fashioned antique umbrellas hanging above the circular tables. Tall oak trees swayed with the wind as they added peace to the serene beauty of the garden. The place was absolutely dreamy. Everybody could see the setting sun beyond the horizon as family, friends and guests traipsed on their respective places. Each table was decorated with large crystal fishbowls sitting on a wreath of pink roses, rose petals and lighted flower candles of the same colour floated inside.

Kyungsoo stayed with Eunmi the whole time. They were seated in a table in the front of the raise platform for the newlyweds together with Yeol and Sonbi, Baekhyun and Rena, Sehun and Yeji, and Jongdae and Gayeong. She is overwhelmed with the attention from Kyungsoo knowing that he is somewhat a celebrity himself due to his status.

"I loved how the decorations turned out beautiful especially the flower decorations, Sehun-ah!" Sonbi exclaimed. "They are so pretty!"

Sehun just smiled, "It's Hemi noona's wedding, of course it should be but perfect."

"Then I won't expect less on my wedding too!" Sonbi said pointing at him. Yeol just snickered next to her.

"Have you ever seen their family delivered something less? Duh!" Jongdae sullenly said.

Sonbi is about to slap Jongdae on the back of his head but Eunmi and Yeol stopped her before carnage happens.

Those at their table who knew the story of their friendship just laughed, whilst the others where looking apprehensive.

Still laughing hard, Sehun said "Don't worry noona, it will be more extravagant!" He emphasized whilst giving Yeol a wink.

Everybody on their table stopped upon hearing the wedding co-ordinator welcomed back Jongin and Hemi, who changed into another set of gown. Everyone clapped whilst the newlyweds waved at them as they continued walking to their designated seat under a white arch of sufficient height arrayed with pink roses. Just below the platform is the table where the three-layered carnation pink wedding cake is perched together next to a silver ice bucket with a bottle of wine inside.

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