Chapter 47

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Everybody can see the love emanating from these two with the simplest gestures they do for one another, be it gazing or holding. Kyungsoo constantly provided Eunmi with juice drinks and food to nibble whilst chatting with everyone and Eunmi always making sure that Kyungsoo doesn't leave her side. Their hands were always intertwined, never releasing each other, and if they do need to separate their eyes would follow one another making their friends grin at their sweetness.

"Are you alright, Honey?" Kyungsoo asked Eunmi at one point whilst walking to the next table.

"Yes I am, thank you."

"Aren't you tired yet? We can leave this party now, if you want." Kyungsoo asked her again.

"Don't worry, I will let you know if I do." Eunmi said as she kissed him on his cheek.

"I can see you are wearing those jewelleries."

"Hemi made me wear these." Eunmi said whilst fiddling with the bracelet.

"I hope you liked them, they're yours. It's my gift for you for our engagement. Well, technically they were my mum's but it's now yours." Kyungsoo simply said.

Eunmi stopped walking which made Kyungsoo stopped as well. "I... I d-don't know what to say."

"What is there to say."

"I don't have anything for you."

"I don't expect you to give me one. Agreeing to marry me is already the biggest present I had received from you and I can't ask for more."

Eunmi was speechless. She doesn't deserve this man, instead gave him a hug.

The roaming photographer took this romantic shot without them knowing it was taken.

"I don't deserve you but thank you."

"Honey, we are meant to be." Kyungsoo said as she gave a chaste kiss on her lips.

Another perfect shot, grinned the photographer.

Their engagement party didn't last long as one by one guests and relatives left after bidding them congratulations and farewell.

Kyungsoo again ensured her parents were brought by his driver back to the mansion to stay for the night. Mr. and Mrs. Cha, together with their friends' parents declined joining them to continue on celebrating.

As Uncle Jongro has stated, "It's the younger generation's thing."

Only their friends have remained, together with Eunmi's brother, Minseok, and sister-in-law, Minah, and her cousin Sehun whilst they enjoy this rare camaraderie as each of them were busy with their own lives and work. Soon everybody transferred to the bar garden where they were originally at.

Unfortunately Kyungsoo and Eunmi need to leave after half an hour to visit his father at the hospital, which Eunmi was grateful because she was planning to do that since morning. It was again part of his plan. But it has been Kyungsoo's routine ever since his father was hospitalised, he visits him in the morning and in the evening before ending his day.

Their friends tried to stop them asking if they can join them longer. Kyungsoo was adamant she cannot let Eunmi stay up late, reasoning it is not good for the baby. Eunmi did not contradict him as she too was starting to feel tired. Her whole day was fully loaded with excitement, fun and activities.

Before leaving though, Kyungsoo has told her brother and sister-in-law and her cousin that they were arranged to stay at his mansion or at the hotel wherever it suits them, which Eunmi accepted for practicality purposes. As usual Jongdae will either sort their stay or bring them over to the mansion. Anyways, all of his friends can stay at the hotel if they want to since it is owned by Do MultiCorp. Bidding everybody goodbye as one by one hugged and congratulated them again, hand in hand they left their friends, who were truly having a party of their own.

Eunmi hasn't guessed that the hotel is owned by her fiancé not until the manager on duty greeted Kyungsoo and congratulated both of them. Eunmi was staggered with the information she has learned. She knew that the man she is about to marry with is extremely rich but she really does not have a clue on how immensely wealthy his family was.

To her Kyungsoo is Kyungsoo, she likes him for what he is not of what he is worth. At the back of her mind, she is thinking of a prenuptial agreement and definitely will ask Kyungsoo about it. She is going to marry him not because of his wealth.

Shortly after, they arrived at Daddy Edward's suite.

All the people that saw them including the nurses at the CCIU admired the lovely couple. They entered the room quietly as they neared his bed.

Daddy Edward still looked the same and Eunmi cannot help but feel sad upon seeing his state. It was her first time to see him since his admission to the hospital and he was far different from what she has encountered at their bestfriend's wedding. Though his body still looked fit, he is quite pale and lifeless. She cannot help but cry as she covered her mouth. Kyungsoo can't do anything but embrace her as he looked solemnly at his father as well.

After a few minutes of gathering themselves, Kyungsoo introduced Eunmi to his father as his fiancée. Eunmi held Daddy Edward's hand as they both recounted what they have been doing lately including their engagement party. Then Eunmi told him without preamble about her being pregnant by someone else and hoping that he would accept her marriage with his son despite her situation. Kyungsoo just kept quiet since he had already told his comatosed Dad about the truth.

They both stayed at his bedside for some time till Kyungsoo told Eunmi that they needed to go. Eunmi looked at Daddy Edward one last time and uttered a small prayer wishing him to wake up before they would get married. Kyungsoo placed his arms on Eunmi's shoulder as they left the suite.

They closed the door gently failing to see Daddy Edward's eyes flickering and moving fingers.
©️Ynnatbeel 09/07/2021

Hope you guys are liking the story ❤️😌

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