Chapter 7

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Kyungsoo was seated in front of the mahogany desk in his office signing some papers when his mind drifted off to somebody. He swivelled his chair looking out of the double glazed glass wall not really seeing the beautiful city below.

It has already been three weeks since that memorable night at the hotel, still Kyungsoo hasn't had any luck in finding the mysterious woman's identity. He even discreetly hired private investigators without telling his friends to find her but because of little knowledge he could provide, the search was doomed unsuccessful.

The investigators even thought of him to be crazy, much more borderline insane for asking them to find a woman carrying a keychain with 'SHE' letters. If not only for his position and status, they might not even accepted the case.

The investigators even acquired CCTV videos from Marriot Hotel of that fateful night but, alas, these tapes proved to be a dead end. They were not able to find what happened to her after she had left the hotel. It seems she disappeared from the car park as CCCTV cameras are limited in that area. There was even no record of the woman booking a room at the hotel.

He stretched as he looked beyond the horizon.

''Where are you?" he murmured.

Weeks of sleepless night, sometimes dreaming of that fateful interaction didn't do him any good. He would usually wake up before dawn, of her image writhing beneath him, yearning for more.

It's not his habit of drinking but after that day, only alcohol could help him forget his passionate night with her. He wakes up thinking about her, she occupies his free time with her face, and fall asleep with the image of her body in his mind.

One time, he was having a conference meeting with one of their investors when one of his executives tapped his shoulder strongly. Apparently, he was being asked about his opinion but Kyungsoo was unfocused. It was the first time that happened to him and he felt very embarrassed. He was not like that with his past girlfriends or flings.

God, he is turning crazy.

'I must find her. I NEED to find her.' he emphasized to himself. He stretched his neck, massaging his aching temple.

Jongin and Baekhyun knew about his 'luck' that night but he never elaborated on the details. They even don't know how serious he was in finding that beautiful siren.

He remembered the night he confided with them. They were at the usual exclusive bar they always hang out.


"Have you ever slept with a woman you don't know?" holding on his glass of whisky looking at nothing in particular.

Jongin and Baekhyun piqued their interests at his question. They looked at each other and knew something was up.

They described Kyungsoo as the quiet man amongst them but he is the most mature of them all. The two always come to him for advices and opinions as his insights on everything are always spot on. This has been the case since they were small kids. However, in terms of being around women and relationships, Kyungsoo is the shyest. He is a very intelligent man but when it comes to dating, they call him a neophyte.

Kyungsoo never told them his adventures with women. They will know his relationships but definitely he will not spill anything private. He is a gentleman through and through, a man of honour.

They kept silent.

"I've made love to a drunken woman who accidentally entered my hotel room." he gushed. "I don't know who she was, I even thought you guys made a prank on me. I can't resist her. She was too beautiful and alluring."

Baekhyun smiled naughtily. "You're one lucky man, dude!"

"Is she demanding something from you?" Jongin asked seriously.

Kyungsoo drank his whiskey and asked the bartender for a refill. "No, but I was the first man in her life."

Both men raised their brows at him.

"I didn't had the chance to get her name. Obviously, the morning I woke up she's still asleep, perhaps too drunk. I left her in the hotel room for some time to go to the gym but when I came back, she's gone. She left a note to her friend, I think, without realizing that she entered the wrong room. Maybe she even didn't know what had happened between the two of us."

"Weren't there any clues on the note? You can trace her with that." Jongin logically said.

"That's the problem. She didn't write her name and addressed the note to a letter only. Even the people's names she mentioned were just also in letters." Kyungsoo explained.

"No wonder you're out of focus these days." Baekhyun said as he drank from his own glass.

Kyungsoo look a bit taken by Baekhyun. He never faltered with his work eversince he took the president's position three years ago. He was known to be a great but shrewd businessman, even with his eyes close. Well, except what had happened during the conference meeting earlier this morning.

"Your assistant, Jongdae been complaining about you recently." he said.

"What are you planning to do?" Jongin asked.

"Come on, Jongin-ah! Kyungsoo should be celebrating at least he's not being sued or demanded for marriage." Baekhyun turned to Kyungsoo, "You should be thankful buddy, otherwise that will be a huge scandal. What will Uncle Do say if that happens? Come to think of it! He will get his wish fulfilled instantly!" Baekhyun patted his shoulder as he blabbered to Jongin's annoyance.

Kyungsoo's two best pals are really poles apart.

It was an open knowledge to all of his close friends about his dad's wish for him to get married soon.

Kyungsoo just smiled. He did not speak out that it was his intention to marry the mysterious woman, scandalous or not. For now, he will have to find her first to end his misery.

Jongin did not say anymore but saw the determined look on his face. He saw something else as well but erase his speculations. He just shook his head.

(End of Flashback)
©️Ynnatbeel 24/04/2021

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