The Boy And His City

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I'm back with a special chapter again to celebrate chapter number 20!

I never thought I would get this far

Thank you all~!






(Y/N) sighed as she tried to tell her friends what her name was.

"Alright. Say after me. (Y/ - N)."

"(Y/...N)?" she smiled.

"That's right, good job Dvalin!"

"I like Ruby more." she sighed again.

"Yeah, (Y/N) isn't as pretty, and Scarlet suits your eye more."

"It's not up for you to decide my name, Bard-Batos!"

"But I can decide your nickname?"

"Ugh... when will you two learn to call my name?"

"It isn't your name, it's far from it." Dvalin put his head beside her. "Scarlet is so cute, and better call you that than call you-"

"I get it, I get it. Gosh, you two are such hard-heads." the god in green smiled beside her.

"No use complaining now!" he smiled. "Can I play a tune to make it up for you?"

"God no, I am so tired of that lyre of yours."

"But it's so pretty! I call it Lyre der Himmel, pretty huh?"

"Remind me to never let you name a child or something, your naming-skills suck."

"Are we really the heard-heds?"

"Hard-heads, Dvalin, Hard-heads."

"But I said that."

"No way you are a hard-head, huh?" the girl sighed. "Oh well. Nothing I can do about it."

"You finally let us call you by our nicknames?"

"Nope, you are not off the hook." Barbatos groaned.

"I'll be going now, bye Barbatos, Ruby."

"Bye Dvalin!" the boy waved as he lifted and disappeared in the sky, he seemed to melt into the sky with the same color as his body.

"What a young creature." he snickered, "Enough to soothe ones mind."

"I don't know, I think that big tree is a better place to do that."

"What should I name it..." Barbatos put a hand to his chin. Then he stopped, as he heard giggles from the girl beside him. He looked to her, and saw that she was watching him, and then she smiled with closed eyes. The bard put down his hand and took time to admire the girl's smile.

"You should really smile more like that, you know."

"Like this?" she stretched her face into a big, wobbly smile, like a child. The bard laughed.

"No, smile like you just did."

"...Like I just did?" she mused to herself. "Did I really smile?"

"Oh, yes, and the stars must've cried and the moon must've smiled too, as they watched your beautiful smile."

"There's no moon or stars out though."

"They always watch us."

"Like Celestia? That's creepy." the boy laughed again.

"Sometimes, I can't believe you are more of an adult than me."

"Too bad, I am." she looked out over the lake in front of her. "What's the name of this lake?"

"Cider lake."

"Really? The first shop you opened in your city was a tavern, and now this?"

"At least one Nation has to specialize in alcoholic beverages, no?"

"Humph, don't count me in."

"Think of the amazing trading system we could do! And the money we would earn, and then all the good drinks! Some of them Mond-style, some in the style of your Nation!"

"'Mond-style?' I thought your city's name was Mondstadt? And also, didn't yo say that you weren't ruling it? Only clearing up after that tyrant with the slaves?"

"Mondstadt-style is to long, in fact, I'm gonna make a Mond-accent to use words such as Mond! And yes, I do not rule over it. Didn't you buy lots of slaves? Explain yourself!"

"Ugh, you got it wrong. I bought them, then I fed them until they were full, took care of their sickness and lastly, got them a house in the Nation. They live in a place called 'House of Lost Children'. Anyone can come there to talk, live, job or just hang out. I got places for thousands of people and the people who can work get small tasks every Sunday, such as 'play with the kids', 'feed the cats', 'go grocery shopping' and such. The people working in the gets a small place close to the House and can have a meal three times a day at the house. At the 'House of Lost Children' you can come and get accepted no matter, believe in another god, love different, no house, no friends, anything gets accepted."

"...Are you a saint now?"

"I think thank you?" she shrugged. "I really just want everyone to be accepted and live a good life."

"Remember me that if I ever have a person in Mond who do not like the environment they live in, I take them to you."

"Dumping your problems at me? Really?" the girl looked at the sky that began to darken. "It's late."

"Stay a little longer, would you? Then maybe we get to see those stars and moons who smile at you. The very Cecilia's will dance when they see the night-sky, I'll take you to see them one night, at Starsnatch Cliff."

"Sounds wonderful." (Y/N) smiled. "I suppose I can wait a little longer." the bard looked at her as the setting sun shined on her face, her one red eye that reflected the lake.

"There is another reason I want to produce wine." he said to himself. "It's because your eye remind me of it." he said it so softly that she didn't hear him. He looked at her again, and thought that he must be the luckiest god - no, man - on earth, getting to see the view in front of him. No, not Cider Lake, but his friend. Maybe she wasn't just a friend in his eyes, but he was unfamiliar with what he thought of her.

"Will you accept how I feel if I come to that house?" he whispered, the question drowning in the sound of the waves around them.

Just so you know, I imagine that Cider Lake was a fishing lake before the new Mondstadt was built on it!

I apologize if this was a chapter hard to understand, but I hope that things will be clearer once more past has been revealed.

Once again, thank you all for reading this book~!

Thanks from Sabami

1,070 words, 2.9 pages ( ̄▽ ̄)

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