A Favorite Dish For Pretty Boy

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Dammit, accidentally deleted the whole chapter!

"Wh-what? You really got the ghost to stop haunting the inn? Wow... you really are something... I am in your debt. Please wait a moment. I'll make you the smoothest, silkiest bowl of Almond Tofu." he walked away to the kitchen.

"He really changed his attitude now the ghost is gone..." Paimon said to herself, not so afraid of him anymore.

After a while, the chef came back with a bowl of a fragrant dessert.

"Haha! My hands are steadier than ever now that she's gone!" the chef smiled and laughed really happily. He gave them the bowl and the trio thanked him politely. I have much work to catch up with now that I can use the kitchen without being afraid." he said and then walked away.

"Is it a good time to tell you two that I can very well make Almond Tofu myself?"

"What?! (Y/N)! Paimon's disappointed..."

"The ghost could still had played a prank on me if I cooked, it was the smartest and safest way to take care of her first."

"I guess that's right..." Aether sighed. "So, what now?"

"We go give this sweet to Xiao. It is his favorite after all, maybe he'll listen to us while he's eating..."

"Does that mean more stairs? Ugh... surely Paimon'll get a reward for this work?"

"How can you become so tired when you're flyi-"

"It is very exhausting, Aether!"

Thus, the stair climbing began.

It was still beautiful outside, the sun was now just a little piece behind the mountains, and some stars was showing on the early night sky. The lake was like a black mirror where you could see all the twinkling dots blurred in the water. On the balcony stood Xiao, looking out at the scenery, but fully aware of the new guests.

"... You three again." the pretty Adeptus said, narrowing his golden eyes at them.

"Wait! Don't go disappearing again." Paimon tried to persuade him while Aether held up the bowl of the sweet Tofu-like food squares and crispy and bitter Almonds in the sugary sauce. It smelled good and the Adeptus took the bowl in his hands.

"What's this?" he asked even though he knew very well what it was. Aether also handed him the bowl of salad now.

"It's your favorite, Almond Tofu!" the food obsessed Paimon chirped. "As well as this distant traveler's best dish - a Satisfying Salad." the boy with blue-ish hair took a piece of his favorite food in his mouth and his face softened slightly. "Aether! Quick! Tell him everything before he finishes eating!" Paimon encouraged her friend and he nodded and began telling the Adeptus about Rex Lapis' fate.

"Rex Lapis... how could this be?" he looked down at the dark wooden balcony floor and his eyes slightly closed a bit, as in deep thought. "I... can't imagine it." he sighed. "Though times have changed, I've never imagined a Liyue without him. The ruling Qixing... just what role do they play in this?" he looked away a bit to the right side of the balcony." his face turned a little sad, but he hid it to not seem weak. "... I will seek Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, and Cloud Retainer. It is time they too made their decisions."

"Will the Adepti take over his role in Liyue?" Aether questioned.

"Adepti do not turn on their responsibilities. I have my reasons to not want to be tainted by the mortal realm, but... responsibilities are responsibilities." he looked not so happy about those responsibilities. "Our god is the God of Contracts after all."

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