Building Progress

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Right after (Y/N) had declared her decision, a familiar figure came running towards her. Light steps running. Before the now known god could raise her hands, the girl had already enveloped her in a warm, kind hug.

"I thought... I thought you were gone!" she said with a light and soft voice, not understanding the scene herself. "I spent every known day spreading awful stories about you, a lump in my throat each time and each day, each hour and each minute. And then... then you're here! In the same city as me."

"Child. Calm your breaths, or the sea breeze will choke you." (Y/N) patted her back.

The last guardian, the latest guardian. The guardian she got right after the war. That was the figure in her arms, which shook while she cried.

Cara was in her arms. Her red eye, her vision, held more emotion than what should have been possible for one with an eye lacking pupil and shine. Tears dropped down the green and red jewels of hers, but she seemed happy. She soon let go of Saphielis, and bowed her head a bit.

"Lady Saphie, I am happy you remember me. I am far more happy that I will see my city again, even thought with new rocks adoring the ground and new faces walking around.

"Raise your eyes child. The rules of which you've heard since long are the rules of my heart. Treat everyone equally." (Y/N) smiled, hearing yet another nickname she had lived with all those years ago. Lady Saphie, the title with all it's awe and the nickname declaring the fact she was yet another citizen, just a face in the crowd. The nickname another guardian had called her, one Cara had picked up on when she traveled alone and away from the burning red city.

"Lady Saphie." said guardian who called her that had approached. The hooded figure, Medeis came and took down the hood blocking her full view. Under the hood, light pink hair in the same color as the sakura blossoms of Inazuma hid, wild and free of living by the edge of Mondstadt for quite some time. Her dark brown eye and her light red eye looking surprised and happy of her long lost master and friend's arrival. "Where in Teyvat have you been?"

"Oh, everywhere. I think I passed you once in the Wolf's forest, did I not?"

"That was you." she muttered under her breath, the tiniest of smiles by the corners of her mouth.

The big and elegant bird took place beside Medeis, and soon made its' way to put its' yellow feather coat around the red girl. The black eyes were normal, except for the right one which seemed to have a deep red color within it.

"Hello Alis, I believe you've caused quite some ruckus when flying past the tops of Narukami shrine." the bird chirped happily. "Look at us. Four guardians, around three hundreds of strangers, two gods and one corpse meeting up in a couple of old ruins."

"The corpse... that is the scythe, yes?" Medeis asked, and she received a nod and Khorne continued the explanations.

"Despite having my name, it was one of the oldest guardians. Aeternus, girl of Endless as she is told as. She lived and died before I had even started my lil' work as a guardian - so roughly five thousand years ago? She died in an accident when another god had gotten angry at her getting the most prey with her Vision - the first Vision that was - and killed her in loathe. In the end, Aeternus became a scythe working as the weapon for Salie, and in her rage... she took the blood from the god and painted her eye with it. Ever since, the eye the Vision holder gets is in the color of their red and without shine as the blood blocked her eyes from reflecting the sun properly." Khorne explained, and (Y/N) nodded all through the story was told.

"That's the right story. Now, if you do not mind, might we clear this out? I would love if the building could begin as fast as possible." she received nods. "First of - Osial, how do you think we shall do to keep the water away from these ruins? I'm sure storms would be a hassle even for walls and building so high walls would create a lot of work and effort needed, and I am afraid most of the citizens of Liyue hate me."

"The walls? Saph, that's an easy peasy thing! I can just keep the water away from this place, and the problem is solved. Then the fishing industries would be better than Liyue's too..." the blue haired god smirked.

"You know, one, that will make you tired, won't it? Two, I can't steal the work which Liyue lives off along with mining, so nope. I'll raise this city to be one surviving on..." she thought for a moment before she had a solution. "Glass production."

"Glass production?" Cara asked. Despite living as a normal person, she was behind in the modern technology.

"If you melt sand, which we have lots of here, you get a liquid which you can form and color and so on, and that becomes see through. it will be a great production."

"I agree." Medeis nodded, her pink hair moving in the sea breeze.

"Believe me or not Saph, but maintaining these walls are not any work for me. It's like saying hello to anyone on the street - something I can do in my sleep."

"I doubt you can say your greetings in your sleep." (Y/N) face palmed.

"Anyhoo, if you just lemme stay living somewhere alone just by these walls, I'll do that happily for you."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night. Then over to next topic. The people who have ancestors whom lived here, we will find them and ask if they are interested in living here. Next off, we have to alert the other Archons about this new change of a new city, and hopefully they will not attack. Even thought Tsaritsa would have an easy time with all this water, I doubt you'd let her freeze it all." Osial nodded. "Then people might come here to check it out, and we will at least get kids to the House. There's no real place similar to the House with an adoption method."

"That's true and all, but first we have to rebuild this city." Khorne pointed out.

"That's where the guardians come into the picture. First of, Cara, child, I want you to check with business men where you can buy the things needed to build a city. You are the one who actually have a pretty decent life." Cara nodded at the instructions. "Medeis, I want you to try getting your hands on a good friend in Mond. It will be tough for you to go out of your way to speak, but it will be fine. Get that friend to take contact with people available to take jobs where they get a place to sleep and food for helping with the constructions and building." Medeis put up her hood, ready for the mission. "Alis, please take contact with some of the fox envoys in Inazuma. With some luck, they might understand you and be able to alert Ei and her Shogun. With her power the Tri commissions might help us and get a hand on this." the bird flapped its sun colored wings. "Khorne, you stay here with me and we try to rebuild this. We start with the house and work our way to citizen houses and fields to grow on. Then, we will plant trees and such which can live in the sand. With some luck, the Fontaine travelers might be able to help us. Chop chop, here we go!"

And the building was going, with a giant bird flying over the electrified oceans, a fire sounding crack heard as the hooded character disappeared and the light steps of a young girl running. And of course, the fuzz of confused people who somehow seemed to have grasped the news of what was happening.

Ahh, another nothingness chapter. I like them, I really do.

So, anyone an idea how to do this? I don't have a plan, that's for sure at least.

Hope you enjoyed~!

1,409 words, 4 pages (❤ ω ❤)

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