An Old Friend

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"So, we've finished another step in our preparations. What's next?" Paimon asked the tall man.

"Next, I would like the two of you to help me borrow the Cleansing Bell. At present, a friend of mine named Madame Ping is the guardian of the Cleansing Bell. She lives near Yujing Terrace, same place as ever. If you ask her, she will know what to do. (Y/N), I trust you still remember where to find her?"

"Of course, that woman has done things for me that she'll never suspect how much it means. If she'd ever be in danger, I would come running faster than Adepti to help her." (Y/N) said with dignity.

"Haha, I see you still have the same deep love for those who you care for. Then, I trust you three to this matter." Zhongli smiled as he thought of how she became when someone talked about people she cared for.

"Sure, but... aren't you coming with us?" Paimon asked.

"I have my reasons to not come along and do this. Please, would you do this for me?"

"Alright then. Ugh, why is he so secretive?" Paimon sighed, but then just followed the older girl (ops, no offence (Y/N), you're not an old lady).

"So, you know everyone here?" Aether asked as they walked up to Yujing Terrace.

"Not at all. I know those who I've talked to, but the young people here, the new generation, I have no connections to them." (Y/N) kept looking forward, only one goal in mind, her old friend.

"Is Mr. Zhongli really that old though? He must've been a child last time you were in Liyue, but I guess you must've been too..." Paimon flew up, not troubled by the stairs at all.

"Oh, your eyes deceives you. I am far older than you'll ever dare to guess. And I guess Zhongli is too..." (Y/N) smiled a little, and it did look like an honest one. "Anyway, that's her over there." she pointed to an older lady. Just up the stairs, an old lady ,with her gray hair in a bun, stood under a big tree. She looked towards the big old tree, but didn't fail to notice she had visitors.

"All things must change..." she muttered to herself.

"But change is neutral." (Y/N) replied, in which she smiled to.

"Are you alright?" Aether asked.

"Mm? Youngster, are you here to admire the flowers? But it's a shame. These Glaze Lilies have almost all wilted..." the lady looked down.

"What happened to them?" Paimon asked worried about the lady.

"Back in my day, people said that Glaze Lilies could read human hearts. If they heard beautiful sounds like laughter and singing, they would also bloom joyfully. But if they heard too much wild gossip or slander, they would quickly wither away."

"That is why a blooming Glaze Lily field is such a great place to spend time with your friends. You help the flowers bloom while it's healthy for you to be out in the fresh and have fun." (Y/N) said with a dreaming look.

"Oh yes. You are absolutely right. But the rumors of Rex Lapis' death are no small matter. They are everywhere. Some say it was a Fatui plot. Others say that the Qixing made it all up, and still others think that That Which Lies in the Deep is breaking free." (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed as she heard the last thing. "This harbor is like a mountain of dry tinder. One spark and the fire will consume us all. Well, I shall say no more. This old woman's grown too old and naggy... did you have something to say, youngster?" the lady asked Aether.

"We'd like to borrow the Cleansing Bell." he said.

"Ah, that old trinket... I remember it being here with me, but I've grown old. I can't quite recall where it is exactly. An old friend of mine used to wear it on his person, back when I was young... he saw me gazing at it often, and gave it to me. But he told me that if someone should come to borrow that bell, I should not be loath to part with it. It has been many years, and who knows how many times someone has come to borrow this bell. Still, though I can't recall when it started, it's been a long time since anyone has come to borrow it. Ah, these old bones are so slow to look for things. I doubt you can wait that long..."

"We can look for it ourselves." Aether said, and Paimon nodded in agreement.

"There is no need to worry. I didn't place the bell very far away."

"Eh? Do you live near here, granny? Whoa, but this is Yujing Terrace. It's gotta be expensive!" Paimon said with wonder.

"Haha, an old lady like me can't afford to buy a place in this city. See this ceramic teapot? My entire household is in there." madame Ping showed them all a pretty teapot with a green Lotus flower pattern.

"... How does that work?" Paimon was definitively puzzled.

"In you go, Paimon." Aether said with a smirk.

"What? There's no way Paimon would fit in there! And why do you need Paimon to go in there, anyway? Can't you just lift the lid and look inside?" Paimon seemed very annoyed.

"Hohoho, youngsters. I simply mean that the bell is somewhere inside this teapot, and you are quite welcome to borrow it - if you can find it." Madame Ping looked like she was on a comedy theater and her drama was beginning. "However, I want (Y/N) to stay. It has been far too long ago since I got to talk to you, dear."

"Oh yes, that'd be nice, to catch up a bit and small talk." (Y/N) looked at Aether. "Be careful in there, don't make a mess. It is Ping's household. It's like being i a house, you don't touch things you aren't supposed to touch, and you be careful with what you can touch. Now, good luck finding the bell." she said, and Aether nodded with a smile.

So, he lifted the lid to the teapot, and then -

gone. Inside the teapot.

"So Ruby, how have you been?"

Hi there, I'm giving you a new bestie!

Seriously though, i'm gonna like what I'll write later, with the conversation with madame Ping (hehe~)

Ja ne~!

1,084 words. 3 pages *(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*ଘ

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