Who Knew She Was A Gourmet...

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The black-brown-gold-bird-creature flew down from the top of the mountain and landed in front of the two travelers. When it had gained some balance, it opened its wings and said loud and clearly "Foolish mortal, come forth and receive your punishment at once!" Aether, you better call (Y/N)'s name. Sadly, said girl was too far away to hear the whole conversation between the Adeptus and the much smaller blonde boy. Aether walked around the water body and got closer to the mighty beast so the conversation would be one where they didn't scream to one another. It seemed that Mountain Shaper blamed Aether and Paimon for intruding, but once Aether got the chance to speak, he defended himself with s Sigil of Permission, the one that he got from Childe. Then the bird seemed to calm down and the one-sided conversation was replaced by one where all three talked to each other. Aether explained to the Adeptus what happened during the Rite of Descention, and was met with a stunned reaction from the bird-like creature.

"Rex Lapis... Assassinated? At the Rite of Descention?!" (Y/N) could hear his reply even though she was far away, more precisely, high up in the air where no one could sense or see her. How she got there is a mystery, and how she is staying in the air is a greater question. They talked some more, but not high enough so the red-dressed girl could hear it. A cold breeze made her (h/c) locks float around er and move some of the bangs over her left eye. She could finally see Aether and Paimon go down the path on Mt. Hulao, and once they had gone down at least half of the path, she decided to go down to them.

"Wahh! Where did you come from? Paimon swears you were nowhere to be found just a second ago!" Paimon exclaimed when the traveling "writer" had landed beside the child with a soft thump from the grass."

"I am glad nothing happened to you two now, I was afraid Mountain Shaper would attack you when he first appeared. Of course, he would be the one leaving the fight if you called my name, but it would still be a hassle and the Adepti would definitely not like me more." (Y/N) completely ignored Paimon and decided to not answer where she had fallen from. "Next place to go to is Mt. Aozang, far away but really pretty. The climate there is mild and the winds are soft, and there are loads of animals, included slimes as "animal". You ready to go?" she asked.

"We really get no breaks, do we?"

"Not my fault that the Adepti seems to hate me."

"Guess not. Where's that mountain?"

Finally. They came to a large pool with a table in the middle where the land had won over the water. There was a red tree by the table that made the sun rays not too bright when they shined through the leaves.

"Hey, who put this table here? They even set it ready for dinner, there's a wine jug and everything... Oh, they even have the guest' name carved into the seat! "Here sits Retainer"..." Paimon read at one of the chairs before she flew to read at the next chair. ""Here sits Guizhong"... "Here sits Rex"..." Wait, Guizhong? As the lord of dust? And Rex, and Retainer... Possibly not...? "Maybe Rex is short for Rex Lapis? But Paimon has no idea about Guizhong."

"Guizhong..." (Y/N) said as she thought of the familiar name. "That's the name of the Lord of Dust... Oh, Guizhong..." A sad look made it's way to (Y/N)'s unemotional eye.

"As for Retainer, hmm... That's it! When Moon Carver was going through the names of his Adepti buddies, he said there was one called Cloud Retainer. So, this must be where Cloud Retainer and the other Adepti had their dinner parties!" yes, that was Paimon's conclusion. "Hehe, how about we cook up some extra-special dishes for the Adepti? We're sure to get Cloud Retainer's attention that way! But.. What do Adepti even eat, anyway? Paimon has no idea..."

"Let's search for leftovers around the area, maybe someone has made food offerings here." Aether said and looked around. He spotted an old fire with a pot over, a simple outdoor-kitchen. He pointed at it and the trio went to examine it. Around the fire there were lots of meat and Matsutake, a mushroom with filling flavors, and the mushroom is one of the best tasting in Teyvat according to the Gourmets.

"It's very clean here..." Paimon suddenly said. Beside the bonfire there was a recipe.

"Matsutake Meat rolls..." (Y/N) read. "I think I've cooked it before. It's pan fried on low heat so the mushroom get all filled with meat juice. Not that hard to make if you have meat and Matsutake..."

"Paimon's getting hungry..." The floating person drooled when she thought of meat and juicy mushrooms.

"I'll make you a snack later."

"If you've done it, want to make it here too?"

"Sure, though my cooking might not be worth mentioning when you're and Adeptus and I can promise it won't look this clean when I'm done." (Y/N) got started and barely a minute later the meat juice was smelling nicely and the mushrooms were juicy. "I'm done, but now we have to hurry so the food keep its warmth..." Aether nodded and they went onto the next kitchen.

This one was more messy, flour was spilled all around it. In the pot there was some kind of meat. Meat and flour... what does that make for a food offering? But Aether then took up a piece of paper (which for some reason had a footprint on it and was completely soaked... honestly, if you make a food offering, train so you can cook the meal at leas!) and tried to read what it said. Mora... M__t? Mora Meat? Probably.

"This might be the famous Mora Meat, a classic from Liyue. It's pastry with a minced meat filling, it tastes sweet and then the juicy filling... the word Mora is often upon the pastry to symbolize wealth. It's easier than making Matsutake meat roll, that is if you don't burn anything or spill out all the flour."

"Again, her just talking about the foo is making Paimon hungry... but you sound like you know your stuff, so perhaps you should cook this one as well?"

"I'm on it." (Y/N) prepared the flour and began to make a dough out of it, and while she let it rest she chopped the meat to fine pieces and began to cook it. After that, she made the bread and filled it with the minced meat before cooking the pastry. And while the bun got a nice color over the fire, she took the opportunity to re-heat the meat rolls for a minute. "Let's get going again." she said when she had put out the fire. Aether nodded while Paimon tried to ignore the food and not steal it.

"We got some Snapdragon, some Lotus Heads, and a little Tofu... it sure doesn't sound like Paimon should cook that... Look over there, they left some notes too!" Inside the tent the traveler had put up while offering there was a note book, and inside there were small notes such as "found a great restaurant" or "Have to buy flour" along with a recipe for making Jewelry Soup.

"This isn't complicated, but if you just read the recipe it sounds hard... the recipe is for Jewelry Soup, a vegetable soup. It is filled with Snapdragon, Tofu and Lotus seeds. It's actually a pretty normal soup but the look of the ingredients made the name and also high expectations, though it's prepared in most households."

"Paimon can't get a hold of the instructions though..." Paimon tried to put her nose even closer to the notes, but of course it didn't help.

"I have to agree, have you made the soup?"

"Watch closely and you'll get a great recipe. It's only vegetables so it is very healthy and the ingredients aren't that uncommon." She boiled some water in the pot and took out the seeds from the lotus head. Then she prepared the Snapdragon and sliced the tofu into dices. Then, when the water started boiling, she put the greens in it and let it simmer. After a couple of minutes, she took the pot from the fire and tasted the soup. Rich aromas came with the hot smoke from the dish and made Paimon's stomach grumble. "Done. Hope you will remember that recipe, thus it is helpful."

"Let's offer these to Cloud Retainer."

"That's my call to get away. Call me." (Y/N) ran away and Aether turned to the table and carefully put the dishes onto it. He just hoped Retainer would answer...


Longer than I thought I'd manage.

It's me~ hi congrats on making it this far.

Want a love chapter again? Ya got it.

I'm just sad that I didn't do many Mond love scenarios, so they might (and a big might) take up on them again, but no promises

1,552 words, 4.3 pages (ಥ _ ಥ)

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