A Spear Can Make A Thanks

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"So this is the Northland Bank these days..." (Y/N) muttered when they had walked over a red bridge over the big shopping district. The Bank was actually not much from the outside, just a normal building. But outside waited Childe, the Harbinger that made it clear that the place was not so normal as it seemed to be.

"This bank was opened here in Liyue by Snezhnaya. Though everyone knows Liyue is the most enterprising in Teyvat, Snezhnaya is not short of change either."

"Yeah well, poorer Nations don't seem the type to have diplomats that come around acting the way yours do towards the Knights of Favonious." Paimon said.

"Eh-hehehehe... Here, let me give you this." Childe gifted Aether something, but for the moment (Y/N) couldn't see what it was.

"This is a..." the thing was finally within (Y/N) view.

"I'm not sure, exactly. Sometimes, all money can buy is "things" and not a name for oneself. All I know is that it's a sigil. A sigil to "keep the mighty and illuminated Adepti" from bringing harm to you."

"A sigil of permission..." (Y/N) said but it was so soft that no one heard.

"Adepti?" Paimon said and looked puzzled.

"If you head north from the harbor, then west from Guili Plains, you will eventually reach a stone forest known as Jueyun Karst. The people of Liyue believe it to be the abode of the Adepti."

"Isn't ti just a legend?" Aether asked.

"If I may, in my eyes, every story has a glimpse of truth woven in." (Y/N) said to him. "Therefore, it can be as true as Mora being money. It should be considered to go to Jueyun Karst."

"And best of all, nobody ever goes inside since it's only used for offering around the borders. It wouldn't have Millelith swarming around. But I have no need for believing - not when I know for a fact that the Adepti truly exists."

"Hate to admit it but your Fatui intel seems alright. But, why would we go looking for the Adepti anyway?"

"Ha, oh my little friend. There are plenty or reasons why mortals seek the blessings of Adepti. Money, health, love... but you... you will go for justice." Childe said with an isn't-that-obvious-face.

"Justice?" the fairy-like girl asked.

"The Qixing will already have dispatched the Millelith. They'll be seeking out the assassin from amongst the onlookers. But how could a mere mortal kill a god that can sweep aside entire armies? Rex Lapis never gave up his power as a god. This level of crude response is beyond what is called for. How suspicious..."

"You think the Qixing did it and they're trying to pin it on someone else?" Aether said but looked as though it was too absurd.

"Your thinking is even more radical than my own, Honorary Knight. Even now, the Northland Bank wouldn't be able to hold the Millelith off for long, but the Adepti can clear you of any wrongdoing. Liyue was founded by the Geo Archon and the Adepti - of course, it was built by force. Look for them. And be faster than the Qixing's messengers, so you may give your version of the events first. If there is anyone that can help in Liyue now, it can only be the mighty and illuminated Adepti." and so, Childe had said what he wanted to say and excused himself to work with Fatui problems.

"I'm afraid I cannot help all the time when searching for Adepti, but sometimes I'm sure me lending a hand won't be bad. Sorry Aether, Paimon." (Y/N) turned to her fellow travelers..

"Paimon gets it! Sometimes, you can't help because of big matters, but you can at least be ready."

"That's right. I'm happy you understand." her lips tugged upwards for a couple of seconds.

"We should get going though. I really don't want to be found outside Fatui's bank. I don't think the Millelith will suspect us less then..." Aether dragged them downstairs and they managed to sneak out of the city.

"First up is Qingyun Peak. It's rather high up, but as long as you know how to climb it should be fine." (Y/N) declared.

"Paimon still doesn't git how you know so much about Liyue, and you was knowledgeable in Mondstadt too..." Paimon shook her head as if she was dizzy.

"If we're lucky enough we might not even have to climb, but it was long since I was at Qingyun Peak, and it might've changed."

"We should get going anyhow. You won't be with us now?"

"I'll stand far away, far away enough so even Adepti won't sense me. But just call my name if you're in trouble." Aether nodded. "And for the love of Khaenri'ah, don't forget to call my name. It is rather annoying to have to remind you each time."

"No worries, I'll remember." Thus, the trip started.

"I'm leaving now, but go straight forward and the same wishing mechanism as before will be seen. Just look for Adepti there. I trust you both know what to do from there on. Oh, and Paimon, don't act strange, it might put the Adepti on guard."

"Paimon will do no such thing!" she said proudly.

"Off you go!"

(Y/N) waited a few minutes before she sensed something. There were loads of presences entering Jueyun Karst, and they all seemed to be Millelith. At least 20 souls.

Oh my- please do not be a fool and fight them Aether... (Y/N) rushed off to where the Millelith were heading. And yes, there was the Adepti Moon Carver and Aether, including Paimon. And to be frank, Aether was being a total idiot. He was fighting Millelith with so much power that he wasn't going to be set free from aches next day, so much was certain, and moreover, he hadn't called for his friend! No time to think though, as a Pole-arm was being thrown towards Aether, but he dodged it. Instead, it flew to Moon Carver, until in the last second it was stopped by a red flash. It joined the fight and talked to the blonde in the middle of it.

"Didn't I tell you just before how it is a hassle to remind you to call me every time I'm about to take my eyes off of you?!"

"Sorry, you see, I was attacked by Millelith and had no time to think, just attack!"

"Oh, look forward to a scolding later, you reckless boy!"

"Am I worse than Venti?"

"Dark moon, no!" the last Millelith had fear in his eyes when a sword came flying towards him, the last thing he saw.

"You really don't think things through, do you? Paimon, tell me, you tried to stop him?"

"Ehe..." she hid behind Aether. (Y/N) sighed heavily.

"What should I do with the two of you?"

"We've digressed. State your purpose, traveler, Ruby."

"Oh no, I shall take my leave. I know for certain I have no right to be here. I was simply just here to make sure that reckless boy will stay by my side."

"Is that so? It seems I have misjudged you, Ruby. You did protect me from a pole-arm."

"I deserve no thanks, as I am just another commoner."

"Than you still, Ruby. Or was it Scarlet? That god called you Scarlet but the dragon said Ruby..."

"Your memory does not fail you. However, those names are simply nicknames from those children. I go under (Y/N). I will go now, have a good day, Moon Carver, and hear Aether out properly." Moon Carver and (Y/N) bowed to one another before she walked away.

"Paimon's still surprised every time she seems to know all the famous people... one day, we should ask her how she befriended all of them."

"That's not what we're supposed to do, Paimon. Let's tell Moon Carver the story first."

Aiya, I made it! Seems I mananged to make a chapter out of this, and it was OK at least!

So, I never check what can be changed in the chapters. If I think I'm done, I upload. That's it, even though I can change the words a lot to not make the characters repeat them...

1,390 words, 3.9 pages (*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞ

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