The Player And Her Teacher

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"So now that we got the flowers, how do we make the perfume?" Paimon asked the two who knew this stuff.

"Ideally, with the help of an expert. Unfortunately, none of my acquaintances have personal experience in the art of decoction..."

"Talk about firs-world problems..." the flying food sweat dropped.

"Hence, I need you to help by asking around in the city. Try the common folk, especially the women."

"So this time we get to go around town looking for nice-smelling ladies to talk to? Paimon likes this job!"

"I will wait for you near the Statue of the Seven. Meet me there when the perfume is ready." and so he left.

"Maybe we can find some good candidates near the Adventurers' Guild? Let's ask Lan. She's the master of the Liyue branch, right?" and so they went to find Lan by the Adventurers' Guild.

"Lan! We need to ask you for a favor..."

"I stopped accepting commissions a long while ago. Sorry, you two, but you'll just have to ask another adventurer."

"Oh, it's not that kind of favor. It's just a teeny-tiny thing..."

"You smell great." Aether said, failing to notice how (Y/N) face palmed.

"...Wow. Just wow. I am going to assume that you are either joking or being sarcastic. To be fair, I put a lot of effort into my appearance for someone who spends all their time in the great outdoors. But "I smell great"? Don't be ridiculous."

"Well, Paimon thinks you smell amazing! So come on Lan, what's your secret? If not perfume?"

"Now that you mention it... yes, there is something. What is that scent?" Lan mused for herself. "Oh, it must be from the Qingxin Flowers I picked on the way back. I forgot I still had them with me..."

"Aha! The truth is out, Lan's got a soft spot for wildflowers!"

"Ah... no. They were for medicinal use only. Anyway, this is a pointless conversation. If you want to know about perfume, try talking to Qiming."

"The fortune teller?" (Y/N) asked.

"That's right. She smells pretty good, she might know about perfume." Lan replied and nodded off in a direction to show which way to go to get to Qiming.

Qiming stood not too far away. The trio just had to walk down to the Liyue blacksmith's workshop, then right below it in the harbor the fortune teller was standing. Before they could say anything, she spoke up.

"Hello. How may I help?"

"We've come to ask you a question." (Y/N) said to the lady.

"You smell great." again? Really?

"Ah... I... sorry, you caught me off guard. Most people aren't so direct. I think we need more time to get to know each other..." what the actual Khaenri'ah?

"Uh... we just wanted to know what perfume you normally use."

"Oh... ahem. Well, I actually don't use any. That said, some of my cosmetics I use are scented. Perhaps that's the cause of this confusion. Since I usually set up my stall by the docks, I avoid perfume like the plague. Because Celestia forbid those lusty sailors catch a whiff and come hunting for the source!"

"That's the worst thing Paimon's heard all day."

"While we're on the subject, have you never heard anyone mention Ying'er's homemade perfume?"

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