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The battle against Childe. A man who could use both sword and bow, but specialized in the latter. He took out his bow and began by standing in the middle of the room using hydro long range attacks. He shot several arrows after each other, and seemed to target Aether. Paimon went to a safe place where she wouldn't be in trouble while Aether and (Y/N) took out respective weapon. The silver handle and the shining white blade in (Y/N)'s hand fit perfectly along with Aether's newly sharpened sword he had bought from a blacksmith not long ago. The (f/c) gem shone pretty at the top of the red girl's scythe from the shine of mora coins. The red head which they thought encouraged the weapons, and shot even more arrows. Although, it was a mistake to not focus on (Y/N).

Before he noticed, she took away the curls from her left eye, showing the wine red eye. In front of her she raised her hand, aiming at Childe. The eye began to shine in blood red colors, and when she had covered her eye again, the enemy clutched one of his arms, dropping the bow. To make up for it, he went into a new kind of form.

"Good. No wonder Signora was so wary of you. But that just means I can go all out! Brace yourselves, this is about to get tough..." he grinned like a madman, then water surrounded him like a dome. After that, when the water disappeared, he came out with a Fatui mask adoring his face and dressed in a black suit. His hand was now holding an electric sword, the other hand hanging down to the floor because it had no blood in it.

He immediately dashed towards the red girl, trying to make a speed attack. But he had underestimated her, because just as he had taken a step forward she had ran across the room to stand beside Aether. He braced himself with his sword, and then the red head came again. However, he wasn't ready when Aether stood still, putting out a sword right in front of him so the man would get slashed by his own moves if he attacked. Instead, he made some kind of side attack, hitting the blonde in his side. Not hard, but his back got a weird sign on it. Not long time after he got to know what the sign did. After just a little while of blocking and trying to get a hit, thunder hit him hard. He fell to the ground, allowing the Harbinger to get closer just until (Y/N) got in front and made a spin attack with her scythe, not allowing him to get close. Aether got up on his feet again, and made a fast attack he had copied from (Y/N) and hit Childe several times, now getting the opponent to his limit. In a desperate try, he gave out a lot of lightning and water at the same time, making the two fall back to the outer side of the circle platform. He then approached, seemingly okay again.

"Not bad. Your swordsmanship is quite impressive." he said, making a spin with his Electro sword as it disappeared behind his back. Instead he took out two sharp ends, and put them together like a double-edged pole arm. "But that's as far as you get." he said, the smiling dark red Fatui mask not showing his real emotions. The only way to figure out his feelings was through his voice, dripping with venom and thrill. He dashed forward to Aether with the new weapon, but the boy blocked it with a wind whirl. He got pushed back quite a bit, and to make up for it he made sharp Geo rocks come up from the ground, managing to block the attack. Instead the electricity made him have to fall back even more. That didn't help though, because as his vision cleared, he saw the Harbinger was no longer in front of him. Instead they heard a voice behind them. A slow laugh.
"Didn't think you had that card hidden up your sleeve." he said, standing beside the place where the Exuvia was.

"You just played us to get close to the Exuvia!" Paimon said frustrated.

"Oh quiet down, don't act like such a child now. You've seen this world, so you of all people should know..." he raised a gloved hand, shining with electricity. "This was to be expected." and he pushed the hand into the body of Rex Lapis. The light was blinging and purple, and he laughed to himself. "Well, I'll be taking Morax's Gnosis now!" he pulled out the hand, holding up... nothing. "Haha... I see. This is most unexpected. You... you beat me to it, didn't you?" he became angry and began sparking of electricity. He ran forward even faster than before, but to the center of the platform. His feet rose a little and water surrounded him along with electricity. His looks changed completely to an extent beyond thinking before. The true form of the eleventh Harbinger Tartaglia. His arm seemed okay, and the weapon he had just made came flying to him.

"Not bad! But this is going to cost you!" and the weapon was put down to the ground, breaking the floor on which they stood upon. They fell down harshly, a fall that would've broken many bones in their bodies if not for the steady fall onto a pretty soft ground. The two plus Paimon who also fell despite floating got up on their feet as fast as possible, only to see a purple light descending in the smoke made from the floor falling. They appeared to have landed in a similar platform like the one which was up there, but bigger. As the light had gotten down to their level, the smoke went away fast to show their opponent.

He attacked with a Hydro bow again, but a lot slower than before. The shots were bigger and aimed at Aether, but not so many of them at once nor for a longer period. Tartaglia then slashed down his double-edged pole arm into the ground when no shots hit them, creating water from the ground in a straight line to the other side of the area. His moves were slower now, easier to avoid. However, he also became bigger with more stamina. Aether got up to him, making one of his rocks attack, but the Harbinger already moved again before the rocks could reach him. The weapon in his hands shot out thunder which attacked them, but after a short while of just going defense, they already knew the moves and could hit whenever they wanted. They had gotten him down, at least almost, when a big narwhal of Hydro came down on them, making them about as damaged as the Harbinger. (Y/N) gathered all her energy and made a slash attack when Childe shot his arrows at Aether again, and that seemed to be enough to defeat him.

A normal Childe fell down to the ground on his knees, all beaten up and panting. He couldn't fight anymore.

"Don't do that again. Be lucky your brother wasn't in town." (Y/N) muttered, and received a tired laughter.

"Fierce even when you're that beaten, aren't you girlie?"

"I'm not a girlie." she said sourly. "Fighting for nothing. You are not the one to be calling names now."'

"I did fight for nothing, didn't I? You would never have a chance to take the Gnosis before me."

"That's right! Paimon tried to tell you all along but you just went fighting straight off the bat!"

"You really are strong, worthy opponents. How did you become so strong?" he said to himself, not really asking anyone. "I hope you will search me up if you even want to test your abilities again. That's what friends does, right?"

"Pretty sure that's not a normal way to make friends." Paimon said, with all right to say so.

"But I must stop this conversation. My quest still remains." he said, seemingly lost in thought. "We must search for the Gnosis once again. The Exuvia might not have been real ever."

"So you mean... Rex Lapis is alive?" Aether hadn't thought of that yet.

"It appears so. Very interesting indeed. Now we must use the backup plan." he smiled, not longer like a madman. "I wish this wouldn't have happened. I hate working with weaker ones. But I can't be picky. Children have to learn to eat their vegetables someday."

"What are you planning?" Paimon asked, curiosity taking over.

"I'll awaken the god under Guyun Stone forest." he said, and it much too long for (Y/N) to realize what he said.

"No, don't do that. Osial is supposed to be sealed-"

"I just need to use the seals we copied to awaken him. He'll go and destroy defenseless Liyue without any problem. Sorry about that if you liked it here." he put up his hands, tens and tens of sigils circling him with a golden light.

"You are too stupid of a child!" (Y/N) said with anger, already knowing what was about to come. "Such a hassle you make for me."

"For you? Yes, maybe. But the Fatui have been trying this for a long time, you already saw that didn't you? No matter, he's already awake." he took a step forward. "Hahaha! Let's see - will the nation that has lost its deity be swallowed by an ancient malice once more?" he said as he was surrounded by water and the sigils of permission activated. "If you wish to drown together with the people of Liyue you're free to stay and enjoy the show!" he said before he escaped in the form of water.

"We have to go - now." and they all ran out of the mora mint house following the red girls orders.

Finally a longer chapter.

Boys and girls and oreos, it's about to end. This book, I mean.

Next chapter will reveal the perfect end, but I won't stop there. Fufufufu.

Hope you enjoyed~!

1,709 words, 4.8 pages ( ̄﹃ ̄)

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