The Blue Friend

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(Y/N) was walking on the square. The harsh wind played in her (H/C) hair and the sky was dark. Aether and Paimon had walked away, it looked like they ad been using a wind glider and had to land. And by the blond boys reaction it seemed as if he was lost but had his fun teasing with the pixie, running away even though they were lost. But not more than a few minutes after she saw the duo find their way to the square, the wind got even worse as she sold the remaining bags. And then, in the sky there was a turquoise dragon, flying over the city. The dragon Mondstadters referred to as 'Stormterror'.

The dragon opened his mouth and roared loudly, three tornadoes shooting into the city. People started to run around, fleeing from the strong winds that would rip them apart and send them flying. However, (Y/N) didn't fear the wind as she knew how to avoid it and had no problem doing so, so instead she helped others.

A little girl stood by a flowerpot and tried to protect it as a tornado came closer, and the woman looking after her tried to get her away but she wouldn't move and the pot was to heavy. The woman had panic in her eyes and called out something to the child, but the wind was so strong that she wouldn't have heard even if she stood right beside her shouting in her ear. Fortunate or them, a girl with red dress was close enough to see that they both were in grave danger. (Y/N) ran to them as the tornado came closer, and in the last second as the wind caught their hair, she ran and picked up the girl, women AND the heavy flower-pot. And the ran away to a safe place.

"Wha-" the teenage girl said before (Y/N) cut in.

"Are you both okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" the girl said with a smooth voice, and it surprised the woman since she never knew she could even talk, but also make herself heard in the wind. The child checked the flower and made sure it was okay before she nodded, and surprised the lady did so to.

"Well then, if you excuse me, I have to see if somebody else needs my help. Have a good day." (Y/N) said before she fast but calmly made her way over to a boy on a bridge and helped him away from the dangerous waves that splashed all the way over the bridge.

The lady / Donna's POV

Wh-what? What happened? She just picked up me and Flora and ran away from a tornado! A-and her voice... so pretty... Wait, no! Diluc is my beloved one!.. Right? But she's my hero a-and... her silky (H/C) hair and... those (E/C) eyes... No! Wait yes! Agh my mind's a mess.

That was what poor Donna thought while Flora just looked at her before checking for the tenth time that the flowers were okay.

(Y/N) just caught a pigeon in midair while it was floating in the air and about to fly away to where a dangerous spot where it wouldn't be able to land. Yes. She did notice the blue-haired man look at her from on top of the city wall but his attention suddenly moved to the air. ad so did (Y/N)'s.

Because in the air the blue creature and a certain blonde boy were flying around and fighting.

(Y/N)'s POV

What does he think he's doing?! The air is dangerous up there and why is he fighting and how is he staying up in the air?! Be careful, traveler Aether! I'll go take care of the hurt people.

The blue haired man then turned back to her, except that she wasn't there.

Blue haired man POV

Oh ho ho~ sneaking away now are we?

(Y/N) ran with her (H/L) hair flowing behind her in the wind, even though it didn't bother her more than a breeze. She ran over to the square but wherever she would go, the wind would get just a little bit softer, as if the wind was scared of her annoyance. But, as she was by the fountain, the tornado's disappeared and the sky became a tad lighter. It shook (Y/N) a little but then she went back to act as if she had been just like one of the scared villagers. and then she walked to the statue to be alone as if she needed some time alone.

But so much for that act, since a certain traveler landed beside her as a girl with red clothes and a red bunny headband or something.

"Aether! A-are you hurt?" she said and he nodded. Then the red girl turned around to look at (Y/N).

She didn't have the time to say anything to her as a slow-motion clap that sounded teasing approached. When she turned around she saw a man with blue hair - the same man that had been watching (Y/N).

"You've actually got the power to go up against the dragon... are you a new ally... or a new storm?" he said with a smirk.

"Stormterror... is attacking Mondstadt itself! Kaeya, Traveler, you've come at the right time. We must..." The red girl said.

"Hold on Amber." Blue-head cut her off. "Are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us?"

"Oh... right. This is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captain. These two are travelers from afar, Aether and Paimon. They are travelers from afar. As for the girl... i don't know yet." The said girl turned to look at (Y/N).

"Are you okay? Wait... haven't I seen you around... aren't you the girl with cookie bags? Now that i think of it... you don't look like a citizen of Mond? Are you perhaps also a traveler?" The poor girl was overwhelmed by all the questions, especially since she didn't talk much anyway.

"Umm... my n-name is (Y/N)... I'm okay thank y-you... yes i sell the cookie b-bags... and yes... I am a traveler that is now taking a break in Mondstadt and sells cookies to earn M-Mora..." Aether and Paimon looked a little surprised, since they didn't notice that she wasn't a Mondstadter. And they could never guess that such an innocent looking girl was a traveler. But maybe she was a baker-merchant, and not a fighter. Yes, that would make sense since her cookies was so good.

"Well then, I am Outrider Amber! I can help you with anything you need, and thank you for helping the citizens! I saw you help Timmie and Sara."

Kaeya looked a little bit suspicious at Aether and Paimon because of the only knowledge they had of them was 'afar'. Yet, he was completely ignoring the baking girl as the only interest he had in her was her fighting skills and speed, witch was explained by the traveling.

"Long story short..." Amber continued. and explained why the blond and pixie was there.

"I see. Welcome to Mondstadt - though you haven't arrived at the best of times, I'm afraid." Kaeya said.

"I understand the anguish of being separated from family. I'm not really sure why you're looking for the Anemo God..." he said before turning his voice to a more ironic one. "But I'm sure everyone has their secrets, right?" he looked at Aether with a smirk as if saying 'I have loads of them.'

"Haha! Relax, I won't press you for more." even though none of the travel companions secrets were revealed he looked as if they were an open book. "First and foremost, on behalf of The Knights Of Favonious, I would like to extend our thanks to you for your help just now."

"Well, we couldn't just leave the situation to fester." Aether said and Paimon nodded happily.

"Your fight to defend the city against the dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of citizens. The Acting Grand Master Of Favonious is also very interested in meeting you, and formally invites you both to our headquarters."

the three nodded but then suddenly something in Amber's eyes changed as she remembered something.

"Hey, what are you up to now (Y/N)?" the brunette asked.

"N-nothing really. I have tomorrows batch r-ready so maybe I will go see if anyone n-needs help to get to a h-healer..." Amber smiled.

"Then why don't you come with us?" she shocked the others.

Yes. Is the blue boy a friend? At least a friend of secrets...

I managed to follow a script slightly of the story, but i can't guarantee that I'll find more.

Sadly this chapter was shorter than last, i had no idea what to write sooo-

1,471 words 4 pages UwU

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