Fatui Hideout And Home Tune

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The location on the map was indeed a Fatui hide out, and a big one. There were four Fatui agents, two with a kind of sniper like thing, one with a hammer and one with some kind of reversed vacuum machine? As Aether glided to the top of a ruin to take down one of the snipers, (Y/N) took out her scythe and attacked the three on the ground. The one in the tower had just enough time to see the red flash and warn his friends before (Y/N) already stood in front of the hammer one.

"Hah, a little girl?" the hammer Fatui said, completely misjudging her. "I wish I got to fight the boy instead." he sighed, readying his hammer. From up the ruin Aether heard what he said, and turned to shout at him with a smile.

"I get why you wish that." he smirked before his sword appeared and Paimon flew away a bit. "Then you might've had a chance to live."

Just as he finished the sentence, (Y/N) slashed through the Fatui with the outer part of the Fatui, making him fall to the ground. Red soaked out of him, but it wasn't visible on the girl's red dress.

"Hmph. Always much violent, yet so much talk." she sighed, then turned to the second sniper, who nervously tried to get an attack from afar, but so did she. She lifted the scythe and had it positioned behind her, as if it was an axe to throw, before she threw it, the weapon landing right on the Fatui as he fell to the ground. The only one left now was the one with the reversed vacuum cleaner who still seemed confident. That confidence didn't show for long though, as he hadn't been counting with a blonde traveler hitting him from the sky - the boy had used a plunge attack. In the end, the whole Fatui team was gone, no one left to beat.

Then the search began, the search for a plan or something. In the end, Aether found something first, up on the ruin he had fought on. On a box with a lantern on, many talismans were put. They all kind of reminded of the one Qiqi had on her head, yet not with the very different writing on it. Aether concluded that they were tying to copy the talisman, and that it must be important. Then Paimon remembered the same patterns were on the sigil of permission that Aether got from Childe.

"It is Fatui work, after all. But why do they need so many sigils of permission?" Aether muttered, and (Y/N) had her normal hollow, but now also thoughtful face.

"They were used to channel divine power, right? That's what Cloud Retainer said to us." Paimon told (Y/N).

"I think I've heard that before." she nodded. "Maybe they want to achieve a similar effect? Using divine power? In that case, they are more dangerous now with all of these. Let's burn them." the red girl gathered the papers and the talismans, grabbing them to put in the fire next time she cooked food.

"They're definitively up to something..." Aether frowned. "We need to be cautious."

"But for now, let's meet up with Zhongli." Paimon said, dragging her two partners behind her. Apparently, she seemed happy to get going again. Maybe the none-moving bodies below wasn't a sight she liked? Not like they did, but they had learnt to see that more often... And then, they were off to Dihua Marsh.

"Right on time. I only just arrived." Zhongli greeted the trio as they approached from afar, as he stood by a tree. The big and lonely Dihua Marsh was all that could be seen for a great time, and now they were completely surrounded by the poor sight of a water body along with a mountain and fields. "Did you enjoy the Jade Chamber?" he received two nods.

"The Tianquan was a strange woman with taste for power." his Ruby friend told him.

"Paimon thinks she was great! Maybe you could learnt to earn money like that, Aether?"

"I don't think I could... I don't have resources for that."

"Then you met Ningguang? What did you talk about with her?"

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