Tea Invitation

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Aether and Paimon suddenly appeared in front of Ping and (Y/N), right after Madame Ping had said they were coming back from the teapot. Aether slowly opened his eyes and put a hand in front of his eyes to shelter them from the new sun light.

"Ho-ho, in and out in no time... you youngsters really are quick." the lady laughed.

"Welcome out." (Y/N) waved hello to them.

"Are you an Adeptus, ma'am?" Aether said, guessing the answer already.

"An Adeptus... I haven't heard anyone say those words in earnest for a long time. As to whether I am one or not, child, surely you already understand?" she looked at them both, asking if they knew, but with a childish gleam of thrill in her eyes.

"Ugh... Paimon kinda knows what you mean, but is also kinda confused. Are you really giving us the bell just like that granny? Don't you think is weird? Something just happened to Rex Lapis, and then we come running up asking for it..." aw, Paimon's concerned about Ping.

"Don't be silly. Liyue Harbor has been through a great deal in its history. In that time, it has seen the departure of countless Adepti." she looked down with a frown, before light entered her old eyes. "But no matter what, we have always performed the Rite of Parting first before any other matters. To cry "catch the murdered!" at the top of one's lungs, but ignore the Rite of Parting... that, to me, is what is wrong-headed." (Y/N) nodded in agreement, thinking of her home. "Now that you have come to borrow the bell, I guess that perhaps an old friend of mine has finally decided to take matters into their own hands. So why would I be unwilling to lend you the bell?"

"What if your friend doesn't return it?" Aether frowned, knowing the cruelty of this world.

"Oh? well, if it came to that... haha, they would find a certain old lady knocking at their door. We haven't met in a while anyway, it would be nice to share a drink and chat. And I am sure that my friend wouldn't mind you joining, Ruby, so please, come and tell us both about what has happened since last. We didn't get a long chat."

"I'd love to do that. You never told me anything either. Perhaps, I suppose we will be sitting for a week if we had to talk about everything, but if that'd be so, I might have to visit more often." (Y/N) said with something that looked like a small smile on her face.

"Oh-ho, I'd like seeing your face more often. Please do. Well, you must have things to do. Since you have the bell, you should return. Oh, and do tell the person who sent you... that if they have time, they can come over for tea. I don't have much to offer, but you can always count on an old lady for a pot of tea." Ping said with a smile in her eyes.

"We will! Thanks granny!" Paimon chirped. And so they went to place the cleansing bell on the terrace by the other things.

"So, Madame Ping is a dear friend of yours? She even called you Ruby..." Aether asked the red dressed girl.

"Oh yes, she has a place in my heart. I haven't see her for a wile, so she wanted to talk to me. And about that, Paimon and Aether, will you one day come to a place here in Liyue with me?"

"What? Of course Paimon will come! Paimon will follow (Y/N) wherever!" Paimon nodded with proud eyes.

"Hehe, sure. What is that place?" Aether asked.

"You both will have to wait and see."

"Awww Paimon wanna know now! But Paimon will be a good Paimon and wait..." the child muttered.

"Indeed, this is the Cleansing Bell. Hm, it's in a good condition. Let's place the perfume we've prepared inside." Zhongli looked at the bell, but something was on Aether's mind.

"Are you also an Adeptus?" Aether asked.

"An Adeptus..." he just spaced out.

"That's suspicious! But if you don't want to talk about it, we won't pry."

"Good Paimon. One's business is not something you should put your nose in, and you know that. I will take back no snacks for a week." (Y/N) said, giving the small creature a reward.

"Yay~! Oh yes, that old granny asked us to tell you something." Paimon looked at her mother figure, indicating her to say it.

"If you have the time, you can come over for tea. I don't have much to offer, but you can always count on an old lady for a pot of tea. That is what she said."

"Ha, that tone does suit you. Perhaps you should remember that about old lady will serve tea?" he earned a tick mark from (Y/N). "Still, her teapot is indeed very good. There are none better for brewing tea. When a suitable time arrives, I'll bring a spot of suitable tea and pay her a visit."ä

"So, what are the next step in our preparations?" the floating food asked the tall man.

"Hmm... next, we need to purchase kites."

"Ooh! Paimon loves kites! Are you taking us kite flying? Is this our break time?" Paimon giggled like the child she was.

"Let Zhongli speak, Paimon. Do you think you'll buy something like that just for a break?" (Y/N) muttered, to which Paimon sweat dropped and said a little "sorry".

"Haha, no, no. Kites are children's toys, yes, but they also play various symbolic roles in Liyue's rituals. I will explain it to you. But our next course of action should probably be to purchase the kites first."

"Oh, sure... curiouser and curiouser..." paimon gripped her small head as she looked confused.

So, the trip went to the main square, where an old lady would be selling kites to passing children.

Hello there, you who've read all the way to this chapter!

Congrats on coming this far, seeing the story and writing evolve!

I must say, I think that if I hadn't written this story, I'd still be a medium good writer...

Hope you liked this chapter~!

1,053 words, 2.9 pages ~o( =∩ω∩= )m

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