The Essence Production

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"I've had a word with chef Mao. We can start work now. Are you ready to please me?" Ying'er said with a flirty voice.

".. What did you say?" Paimon's such an innocent creature.

"You said you weren't a player. How true was that, hmm? Not true at all." (Y/N) sighed.

"I mean make me proud. As my assistant. Obviously."

"Yeah. Obviously." the red dressed girl rolled her eyes.

"While I'm setting up, you can go and fetch some water." and so Aether went to find water.

"So, where have you been?" Ying'er asked while putting up the things she needed.A mortar, a knife, a strainer and many other things.

"What do you mean?" (Y/N) simply said. "I am a traveler. I travel Teyvat."

"I mean, you look exactly like the day I last saw you, but that was years ago. It is rude and impolite to ask a woman of her age, but you looked like sixteen back when I was ten, and now when I'm over my twenties you still look like a teenager."

"I have taken on many jobs. Herbalist was one of them, and as that learned which herbs are good for keeping your look. Most of those herbs are easily found. You should try making a decoct of Mint and Apple tree leaves, then apply that to your hands. It keeps the skin very smooth and it smells nice too."

"There is more to it, no? You haven't been here in a while. Tell me of your travels."

"For a year I was in Inazuma, as a blacksmith. Then, I went to Natlan as a story teller. After that, I was in Sumeru as a scholar for half a year. Next was Fontaine, I sold fruit to make money. Then Snezhnaya, I sold warm products such as jackets and gloves for three months. Then I went to Mondstadt. That was really a long stay. I sold Sunsettia Cookies. They were a hit. And ow, I am here as a writer and Author. Though my first book is yet to be published..."

"What a life, and only in a few years! All seven Nations within ten years, and many different jobs mastered too."

"Aether is planning to travel Teyvat in less time than ten years, and find all the seven gods too. He already has found one-" well, there ended that conversation, because Paimon and Aether walked into the Wanmin kitchen.

"Here it is." Aether handed a bucket to Ying'er.

"This water will do nicely. Now, I need you to extract the Silk Flower essence using a crafting bench. Perfume-making uses an altogether different technique from alchemy. Here, let me teach you. Very carefully, take hold of the mortar and pestle... gently does it..." she seemed to be about to say something but couldn't as (Y/N) took speech instead.

"You need to keep your wrist firm so your hand doesn't slip." she tried to sound as if it was a normal conversation, but the hint of knowledge slipped up.

"Now now, try to speak like me, red flower." Ying'er sounded like a lecturing mother.

"Not that nickname..."

"Ah, but I really thought you were one when I was young. You smelled like flowers and had a flowing silky dress that reminded me of silk flowers... You truly were like a rose. Now talk like me."

"How do you mean?"

"Like this." Ying'er cleared her throat and turned to Aether. "Next, use your strong hand to stir it with a persistent rhythm... keep going until the juices start to come out..." she sounded oh-so flirty while she talked to the young boy.

"Okay, okay, I get it..." he sweat dropped.

"Ooh... you're a natural! Like a fish to water. Now, take these my dear and try it out on your own using a nearby crafting bench. Don't forget to do all three. They look visually identical during the essence extraction progress, but I will put them into separate containers when the perfume is ready. Now flower, would you be so kind and guide him through this? I need new advises."

So they went to a crafting bench.

"Alright... Aether laid all three flowers on the bench, taking each at a time. First, the Gold House Maiden. He put it in the mortar and started to work with the pestle. However, soon (Y/N) came up behind him and took his hands, mumbling something.

"... Talk like Ying'er? Sure then. Here is the thing. You are having a nice gentle rhythm... but your hand is working not quite like it should. See, like this, you use the pestle against the fiber on the petals... not with the fibers... that's nice, keep going..." yeah. This was some scene, a (Y/N) with a flirty tone in her voice, behind the blonde boy, holding and adjusting his hands, and then still not seeing how the poor boy is blushing like mad. "Sure, like that. Oh, and to get even more essence, try to do the same but take some of the juices into the petal you're working with. It will take out the juices even better..." then she backed away and stood beside Ying'er. "Now, that was a new advice, no?" she said.

"Oh my, I didn't know that you were the one, flower. You sure have new surprises with you from your travels." Ying'er giggled like a high school girl.

"The one?" the girl's (e/c) orbs looked into the perfume maker's brown ones.

"The one that boy has fallen for, of course."

""Fallen"...? oh, is he hurt in any way?" she then said worriedly.

"Oh, no, not at all. His feelings may be strong, but as long as you're nice to him, they shouldn't hurt."

"That's good..." they watched the boy as he finished making all the essences.

"Wait..." Ying'er realized something right before Aether came with the juices to them. "Are you saying you don't know what "falling for" means?"

Now that took some time to write, and it still turned out like this bad thingie.

Hi there, hope you've been reading good stuff while I took almost three times longer than usually to write this chapter

How are you? Well, have a good morning/day/evening/night!

1,051 words, 2.9 pages (o゜▽゜)o☆

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