Lady Yuheng

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"Lady Keqing, these three strange people suddenly appeared. They seem to have designs on the Guizhong Ballista." the Millelith said to the new person in the party.

"Who are you calling strange?" Paimon sneered.

"We were just looking for the way to the Jade Chamber." Aether interrupted and told the stranger.

"Hmm? You want to go to the Jade Chamber? Who are you?" she asked.

"We're invited guests, here to look for the Liyue Qixing! Who are you?" was the kids' answer. The girl seemed shocked for a while and it lead to (Y/N) taking a closer look on her.

The strange girl had a purple tone on her hair, and they were up in two pigtails with weird little horns made out of hair over them. A little hair clip in the form of a white flower with golden leaves sat under one of those horns. She had magenta eyes and a purple attire, a purple and white dress and purple gloves along with black tights and purple shoes. She was very elegant and pretty, and seemed like a noble lady.

"Well, as it happens, I am one of the Liyue Qixing." she said. Paimon and Aether looked like question marks in human form. "I am Keqing, the Yuheng of the Qixing." she continued and (Y/N) merely nodded. "I know you, travelers. You are Ningguang's guests, yes? I didn't expect to meet you here in the mountains."

"Wow, Paimon didn't think we'd meet some rich famous big shot out here, either." the flying food said.

"The Guizhong Ballista in Tianheng Pass has long been in disrepair, and now it is fixed after one night. I came here to seek the truth of why that is." the Yuheng said to the travelers, looking briefly to the Adepti mechanism. "These Millelith are only here to guard the scene, not to arrest." she looked over to the only Millelith left after the fight.

"All a misunderstanding. Violence isn't a method to take without confirming both sides opinions." (Y/N) sighed and bonked the back of the head of those she traveled with, and received to 'ow's.

"Anyway, for a mortal to be able to repair this Adeptal advice is quite the mystery, even for us." Keqing furrowed her eyebrows.

"Hehe, that was..." Paimon began, but (Y/N) then smacked her head again. "Ow! Why did you hit Paimon!" she whined and gripped the back of her head.

"Because I suddenly realized that you were the bigger part of the violence happening. The mastermind, the leader. Therefore, I take away all the snacks from you for a week." the child whined but (Y/N) just took a glance at Aether who nodded as a thanks for keeping the repair a secret.

"Lady Yuheng, do you know why Lady Tianquan invited us to the Jade Chamber?" Aether asked Keqing.

"I'd say Ningguang's purpose is to request that the savior of Mondstadt take a more neutral stance... or at least, to not wholly side with the Adepti." (Y/N) sighed to that.

"We're not taking sides. We spoke to the Adepti. They want to protect Liyue as well." she explained to the Yuheng.

"When you say 'protect', you're referring to their sanctimonious arrogance, aren't you?"

"Huh?" Paimon's eyes widened, and so did Aethers'. However, (Y/N) sighed.

"You know, I don't really want to hear some gossip right now, especially of those I haven't seen in such long time they cannot be judged." she sighed, but Keqing explained either way.

"You are mortals, and thus under their protection. There was no way they would have regarded you as someone with the ability to assassinate a god." she claimed, and with a tired tone too.

"Well, I wouldn't say that about me..." the red girl mumbled under her voice, lower than the others could pick up.

"Naturally, they would also regard Ningguang's locking down area, questioning the citizenry, and pursuit of the assassin to be pointless work. Perhaps they might even wonder if there might be a cover-up. I'll say it like this: they're underestimating us." she ended her argument.

"Well, you have a point..." Paimon agreed. "Still, this is the first time Paimon's seen a person from Liyue who doesn't respect the gods or the Adepti." she sounded troubled.

"Hah. Should I respect the shallow sense of time and condescension of mortals that has cause them to delay in moving against us Qixing?"

"Too many words for Paimon..." she gripped her little head.

"Forget it. I shouldn't speak of them this way. This skepticism is mine alone, and Ningguang does not share it. Anyhow, I will admit that the actions of the Adepti this time were quite restrained. Rex Lapis' death is indeed an extraordinary circumstance. But to think that they would call for a council of Adepti rather than come down here directly... How surprisingly civilized of them. Well, for Ningguang... she would talk anything and everything out if she could. But I doubt we could do that here. The time of the Adepti has long passed, and now the mortals has the power in hand. We have to use it good for the future of Liyue."

"Another bold statement..." Paimon was impressed.

"Haaah, I'll stop here. I hadn't intended to say so much, but you are a good listener." It was clear she only talked about Aether, who had just asked neutral questions all along, while Paimon was focused on her status and (Y/N) didn't want to offend anyone in case the Adepti were listening in and would judge her even more. Though she had concluded finally she was safe from their ear. "You should all be off to the Jade Chamber now, and don't be late. Ningguang's schedule is busy all year, so don't waste her time. Oh, and give her a gift and you might get something in exchange." the girl tipsed the three travelers and turned around to walk away, but was stopped.

"Wait, how to get up there?" Paimon pointed.

"Well, you had no reason to go here at least. Go back to Liyue Harbor, find a guide at the Yuehai Pavilion and..." and she explained it all. "May we meet again." she finished and walked away.

"Paimon thinks she was cool! But what gift to bring to Lady Ningguang..." she mused.

"Always focusing on the gifts in return." Aether sighed.

"Paimon knows! Sugar-Frosted-Slime!" she said exited. "Paimon dreamed about it last night..." the kid drooled.

"So, the recipe." (Y/N) questioned with optimism.

"With a certain boom-shaka-laka, of course! Let's get ingredients!" and sadly, that was what they headed to do.


Amazing dreams Paimon has, huh?

I have something to say, sadly. My updates will get later and later, since my busy schedule. If I am lucky, I might update again in four days, but I don't think I am that fast of a writer... my training's really are long!

Well, hope you'll stay, and hope you enjoyed~!

1,171 words, 3.4 pages (o′┏▽┓`o)

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